March 09, 2018

The Big Bang Theory: The Athenaeum Allocation (11x17)

We're making progress on Amy and Sheldon's wedding, and taking a look at life with two kids for Howard and Bernie. Let's dive in.


I know I'm a broken record, but the lack of forward progress in Penny and Leonard's relationship is really bothering me. They're such useless characters nowadays.

Howard and Bernadette's plot thread was mostly really fun, but I'm a little disappointed by the resolution. I liked the idea that Howard would take to being a stay-at-home dad for a while, while Bernadette would be eager to get back to work. The fact that in the end they both decide to go back to work as originally planned left me feeling a bit let down. I want to see Howard stuck in the domestic role for a while, especially since we've seen Bernadette on bed-rest for most of the season.


But like I said, Bernie and Howard's plot thread was mostly super cute. I like how Bernadette says that she loves her kids and doesn't miss her job at all, but once she's in the office she's immediately taken in by all of the perks of her job and of being out of the house. Howard, predictably, calls in Raj to help him parent the kids. I like this, and almost wish it wasn't treated as a total failing on Howard's part. Maybe the idea of reaching out to loved ones to help in the raising of your children isn't such a crazy concept? It takes a village, or so I'm told!

Amy and Sheldon picking a wedding venue is actually pretty cute. I love how Sheldon is less enthused about the venue once he realizes it's not that exclusive, and the little spat between Leonard and Sheldon is pretty funny. Barry Kripke is always a delight. The resolution ends up being pretty great as well, as Amy suggests the planetarium as an alternative venue, which Sheldon ends up liking even more than their original plan. That seems like the perfect place for them to get married - scientific, but also full of wonder and grandeur.

I'm trying to keep my reviews to a reasonable length today, so... yeah. That's all I've got. A perfectly unoffensive and occasionally charming episode.


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