March 09, 2018

Grey's Anatomy: Games People Play (14x14)

April is a hot mess right now. Yikes. Also, this is one of those episodes where there are like thirty different plot threads going on at once, so I'm going to try and be really brief with each element.


I'm still not feeling the Maggie/Jackson thing. Sorry, I'm just not. And with the news that April will be leaving the show after Season Fourteen, I'm just generally bummed about the direction this is all going. Why can't April and Jackson just find their way back to each other? Plus now April is going to be hooking up with Dr. Douchebag, and... eh. Just not super interested in that.

Amelia and Owen decide it would be a great idea to have sex. I am less convinced this is a great idea, and I'm also not convinced it's going to be interesting. I've never thought all that much of them as a couple.

Sam and DeLuca. I'm still waiting to care about them, honestly. I think there could be something there, but it's just not clicking with me yet.


Meredith and Jo's stuff with the medical study is really interesting. Turns out, the daughter of the person who holds the patent they need is someone Meredith knew when she was a child - one of Ellis' best friends. Meredith spills the beans about her study, and believes she's on the right track... until Richard informs her that this woman and Ellis had a huge falling out, and Meredith now believes she's been played. I like seeing Jo so interested in the study, and I liked the unexpected glimpse into Meredith's childhood. Of course, I'm intrigued to be dipping back in to Ellis' journals for more juicy gossip... this could really go somewhere interesting.

The rugby plot thread was a lot of fun. I liked seeing the young woman stand up to her father, and there was something so tragicomic about a woman losing her ear in the hospital, DeLuca slipping on said ear and getting a concussion, and then the woman's father turns out to be a malpractice attorney... I was laughing right along with Bailey and Richard at the absurdity of the whole scenario. And the stupid young man who threw the ball was absolutely hilarious. Owen really scares the crap out of him, and his panicky reaction is kind of precious.

The awkward game night with Maggie is... well, it's awkward, but in a really funny way. April gets increasingly upset as people don't follow the exact rules in charades and Pictionary, and is annoyed when the other teams guess correctly off of very sparse clues. Then of course Maggie's date's wife shows up at the door, April gets even more drunk and leaves with Dr. Douche (I'll learn his name at some point, I suppose...) and Jackson ends up breaking up with his date and telling Maggie he wants to be with her. That's one crazy social gathering, and it had all of the awkward charm I've come to expect from gatherings at the illustrious Grey residence.

Alex's patient is adorable and I feel so bad for her, but I love the medical marijuana plot thread here, and how Alex is able to talk with his patient's grandmother and make her see that this is the best thing they can do for her. Seeing Alex be so compassionate with his patients just warms my heart, and I loved the moment where Jo stood in the doorway and watched the two of them play checkers together. Simply precious in every way. I really hope they don't kill this girl.

I'm absolutely sure I've missed at least one plot thread... oh yeah! Arizona and Carina are looking in to childbirth mortality rates, when they come across a surprising statistic. Apparently, one particular doctor at the hospital is doing far more C-sections that she should be. Arizona confronts her about it, trying to be polite, but it goes about as well as you might expect. I'm really sad that Arizona will be leaving at the end of this season as well - I wonder if she'll make an exit with Carina by her side? In any case, this plot thread could be quite intriguing. While April took the loss of a patient by going off the deep end, Arizona might be channeling her pain into a more productive avenue. We shall see!

Okay. Is that all of the stories? Damn, this show has a lot of characters to keep track of. This was a good episode for sure. Standard, nothing too noteworthy, but entertaining as always.


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