March 04, 2014

The Vampire Diaries: No Exit (5x14)

Stefan and Damon Salvatore. You two are going to melt my heart. And Katherine. My hatred for you grows ever stronger. And Nadia! Matt! What the hell! Enzo, I'm really starting to enjoy you as a character. This episode was a good one, and I'm glad to see that we're moving closer to getting Elena back. I love Katherine as a villain, but my goodness she is horrible. Alright! The plot!

Damon and Enzo are on a rampage. Since Damon drinks vampire blood now, Enzo has been drinking and killing humans, but he's transforming them into vampires instead of just leaving them dead, so that Damon has something to snack on. Stefan, regretful over telling Damon to leave, decides to track down his brother. "Elena," excited for a chance to spend with Stefan, decides to go with him.

Wes and some Travelers turn up at a house in which Damon and Enzo have just finished feeding. Using the Travelers, Wes traps the two friends in the house, wanting to test how long Damon can resist killing his best friend. Enzo wants to call Stefan and Elena to tell them to come over and help, but Damon desperately begs him not to - Stefan and Elena are both vampires, after all, and Damon is afraid of hurting them. Enzo calls anyway, because he is of course afraid for his own life. Eventually, Damon's hunger becomes so extreme that he begins to feed on Enzo. Enzo pleads for Damon to stop, and Damon does, but only because the Travelers raised the acidity of Enzo's blood. Enzo is allowed to leave the house. Damon tells him to run, and Enzo, reluctant, goes.

Meanwhile, Katherine is being extra flirty with Stefan, and actually sabotages their trip by pulling something out of Stefan's car and "accidentally" covering herself in grease so they'll have to get a hotel room. While there, Katherine receives the phone call from Enzo, and she cooks up a plan: what if she provokes Damon into attacking her? Stefan will be forced to kill Damon to save Elena's life. Katherine and Stefan share a passionate kiss in the hotel, but Stefan stops it, because he can't do that to Damon. Katherine ("Elena") says she understands.

Stefan and Katherine show up to the house. At first they are protected, since Damon can't get out, but Katherine steps inside, even though Damon is begging her not to. She cuts herself and waves her bloody hand in his face, egging him on until he finally drinks from her. Stefan enters the house too. Katherine kicks a stake towards Stefan and seems to be encouraging him to finish the job. Stefan leans down and picks up... a shard of glass, with which he cuts himself. He lures Damon away from "Elena" and then snaps Damon's neck.

Back at the Salvatore mansion, Stefan tells a chained up Damon that he'll never give up on him. Damon comments on Elena's strange behavior, and says he thinks she wanted Stefan to kill him.

While all this has been going on, Tyler and Caroline team up to find Matt, who has gone missing. He's been with Nadia, while she waits for the vervain to leave his system. Katherine, on the phone, instructs her daughter to kill Matt, but Nadia is unwilling to do so. Tyler and Caroline are very awkward around each other, obviously, because of recent events. Matt shows up and explains that he and Nadia have just been hanging out in Atlantic City. Caroline is very skeptical, but Tyler seems to buy it. Before Nadia can compel Matt to forget everything, Matt seduces her. As the two of them are making out, he tries to send a text to Caroline. He only manages to write "Help. K" before Nadia notices, and compels him to forget everything. Tyler and Caroline talk, and Tyler apologizes for attacking Caroline, but says he doesn't think he'll be able to get past what happened.

Caroline and Stefan talk, and they piece together the clues: Elena's weird behavior, plus Matt's mysterious text... Katherine is possessing Elena!

Okay, so that's the plot. I always notice that it takes me a very long time to write out the plot for this show, because it always seems to be rather complicated. In any case, I did rather enjoy this one. I'll list the two things I don't like and then talk about the elements I really enjoyed.

1. When Katherine breaks the car and they're in the hotel, she gets a call from Enzo about Damon. And then she asks him to text the address to her phone, instead of Stefan's, and she seems to hide what's going on from him. Why? They both show up to the house anyway... it was really odd that Katherine was trying to conceal this information from Stefan when it didn't further the plan in any way. It seems like maybe it was a mistake in the script?

2. Nadia. I still don't think much of her. I don't know if I ever will. Now, Tyler having bitten her, it seems that her life may be coming to an end. It feels like another unnecessary little conflict to throw into the mix. Now, as I'll mention in a second, there were good things about Nadia in this episode, mostly related to her conversations with Matt.

What did I like about this episode? Well, there were a lot of things. Let's start with the best!

Damon and Stefan broments! Woo! Seriously. I know my brain is tuned in for this sort of thing, but did anyone else notice that when "Elena" was at the door, Damon, was all, "don't come in," and then when Stefan showed up, he jumped to his feet frantically and begged them to stay away? Also, the fact that Stefan didn't even consider, for one second, ending his brother's life. Not even to save Elena. And when Damon's trapped in the Salvatore house and he tells Stefan that he's going to kill him, he says it in this sort of matter-of-fact voice that is just there to conceal how scared he really is. And Stefan just says "you're my brother," and promises to never give up on him. Like, what the hell. My heart is melting.

Tyler isn't forgiving Caroline! Yes! I'm happy to see him behaving as a normal person might. It makes sense that he wouldn't be able to look past Caroline's actions. I'm also glad that Tyler apologized to Caroline for freaking out, but he doesn't forgive her for what she's done either. I'm interested to see what they do with this going forward.

Matt and Nadia. Matt is just such an awesome guy. I love how he just rolls with the punches and doesn't let any of this crazy stuff phase him. He tries to appeal to Nadia's compassion, but he's also not afraid to manipulate her to help his friends. One of the highlights of the episode was when Matt compares Nadia's relationship with Katherine to his relationship with his own mom.

Caroline and Stefan. I really do ship these two now. They are genuinely good for one another and good to one another. Their scene at the end of the episode was touching, because they checked up on one another, showed concern for each other's problems, and... they figured out the truth about Katherine!

That's all for this review, I suppose. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I'm missing Elena a lot, though, and I'm glad that we're starting on the road to getting her back. At least now they know the truth!


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