March 12, 2014

Grey's Anatomy: You Got to Hide Your Love Away (10x14)

*Obligatory complaint about how long these gosh darn Grey's reviews take to write.* Let's dive right in.

Owen announces a non-fraternization policy in the hospital, and a lot of people are very upset. Jo freaks out and yells at Alex in front of everyone, and Alex very publicly breaks up with her. However, we immediately learn that this was planned between the two of them, so that nobody would expect that they were still together. Later, they make their way into a supply closet only to see that it is already occupied by April and Jackson. Webber walks in and sees Jo and Alex, and so calls a board meeting. While there, Jackson and April announce to everyone that they're married.

While I'm really happy for Jackson and April, I'll admit I'm a bit annoyed with this whole thing. It seems like yet another example of not letting Jo and Alex have any time to be in a normal relationship. We still have yet to see even one episode where everything is okay between them. I want that, so that I understand the foundation upon which all this drama rests. Setting that aside, though, it was really funny when Jo and Alex find Jackson and April in the closet. That made me chuckle. I also like Alex's anger at the perceived hypocrisy. I mean, honestly, all of the couples in the hospital happened because of inappropriate workplace shenanigans.

All of the residents work together on a patient with a rare syndrome that causes her to keep having different types of cancer. This girl cannot fight them off. It runs in families, so her sister is worried that she might have it too. Ben and the others (Leah, Jo, Stephanie, Shane) all work together to come up with a creative solution to operate on the girl. This gives Shane a chance to get back on his feet after all of his recent mishaps, and it gives Ben a chance to finally be accepted as part of the group. Sadly, just as they figure out a creative way to help the sick girl, she ends up dying on the operating table. To make matters even worse, the girl's sister finds out she has the same disease.

I loved all of this. Each of the interns got their little chance to shine. Shane is doing much better, and I'm happy to see him start to repair the damage. Ben even gets invited out with the rest of the residents for a drink. He goes, but only after giving Bailey a kiss goodbye.

The most important thing going on here, though, and probably my favorite bit of the entire episode, was the fact that Jo assumed Stephanie was the one to file the complaint. She tells Stephanie that Jackson and April are still together, so clearly she did it all for nothing, and then Leah speaks up: it was her that sent in the complaint! She felt like her education was being compromised because of all the drama. Hell yeah! Go Leah! I haven't really felt strongly about her one way or the other, but now I think she's great. Honestly, it makes sense. All of this drama with Stephanie, Jackson and April... Shane and Christina... Leah, Arizona, and Callie... it's been distracting. And detrimental to everyone's growth as doctors. Go Murphy!

Meanwhile, just to add in even more drama, Owen and Emma start making plans to move in together. Christina finds out, and after spending part of an evening drinking with Meredith, Christina goes over to Owen's place to congratulate him. And... the two of them end up having sex. Owen breaks up with Emma, stating that they want different things.

This is really interesting, because it shows a certain level of reversal in Owen's character. Before, he and Christina couldn't make it work because they wanted different things. But now that Emma is talking about kids and staying home and not working, Owen realizes that what he wants now actually lines up with Christina's life perfectly. Will these two crazy love birds make it work after all? I'm really interested in the direction they're taking Christina's story, since they've only got half a season left with her.

Arizona and Callie are doing well. Callie buys Arizona a beautiful new ring, which she shows off to everyone. Ben and Bailey are happy, as well.

Derek keeps having to do interviews for the President thing, but eventually he figure out why: they want him to take control of the whole project. He's really excited, but Meredith is disappointed, because this means she really can't take her own career to the next level. She doesn't hide her disappointment, but she does admit to being happy for Derek.

I don't know... I like that Derek and Meredith's relationship is completely solid, and there seems to be no danger of them breaking up. But I sort of think Meredith is being unreasonable about this. Derek tried to turn down this offer, even though he wanted it, but he's being wooed by the government. I think Meredith might try being a bit more supportive. The odd resentment between them is just making me a bit uncomfortable.

Okay! That took a long time to write. Sigh. I liked this one quite a bit.


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