March 19, 2014

Parks and Recreation: New Slogan (6x16)

I feel entirely apathetic about this episode. I know, that's not the most auspicious way to start one of these reviews, but it's true. I have no big problems, but also no big praise. Let's get going.

Ben revamps the Pawnee website, and the new site also includes a new vote, for a town slogan to commemorate the merger between Pawnee and Eagleton. When Leslie talks more about her new potential job in Chicago, she's disappointed to learn that she'll be doing more big picture stuff, and less hands-on, which is the part of Leslie's job that she's always really enjoyed. Leslie goes a bit crazy, and goes overboard on trying to promote voting for the new slogan. This plan backfires when she goes on a radio show and "The Douche," the host, gets his followers to do a write-in vote for the slogan to be about Douche Nation. When Leslie tries to fight it, the top slogan becomes about the "Stick Up Leslie's Butt."

Leslie is panicking, and she tells Ben why she's so intent on being so deeply involved. Ben encourages Leslie to delegate the task to someone else, so she can practice for when she takes the big job. Leslie delegates to Gary/Jerry/Larry. Despite some rough moments, the final slogan is selected: "Pawnee: When You're Here, Then You're Home." Although Leslie did step back and let the town handle things, she's still frustrated when she and Ben notice that the sign was put in backwards.

Meanwhile, Donna and April try to help Tom find a location for his new restaurant. Donna shows him places that are way out of his price range, or otherwise unsuitable. April makes things even worse by pointing out everything wrong with the places. Tom is discouraged. April and Donna both reveal that they were trying to keep Tom from starting the restaurant, because they don't want him to stop working with them in the department. They feel guilty, so they show Tom some good places, and Tom finds the right one for his new restaurant.

While looking for bands to play at the big music festival, Andy discovers Ron's secret jazz playing identity. When Andy tries to make him play at the festival, Ron insists that he'd rather stop playing forever than allow everyone to know his secret. Andy backs down, telling Ron that he doesn't have to play at the festival, but he shouldn't give up on music.

Okay, so what did I not like?

Nothing, really. There wasn't any major problems with the episode. I think the problem was that nothing really grabbed my attention.

For example, I'm happy that Tom is pursuing his dream, and it was sort of sweet that Donna and April didn't want to lose him. But there were no really funny or clever moments in this thread. I'm happy that Leslie is considering a career change, and it makes sense that she's having trouble letting go. I was decently amused by the press junket part, but the rest just sort of made me shrug. And Ron's jazz secret identity has always made me laugh in the past, and sure, it was sweet that Andy was moved by the music. But nothing really funny happened.

There you are! Not the most erudite review, but those are my thoughts!


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