March 18, 2013

The Office: The Farm (9x17)

I never expected The Office to survive two whole seasons without Michael Scott, but I actually think these last few episodes have been pretty great. "The Farm" was initially supposed to be a backdoor pilot for a Dwight-centric spin-off, and I must say I don't at all mind that it's not going to happen. I think sometimes it's best to put a concept or a character out to pasture before it gets too old. 

That being said, this episode was pretty funny. I loved that Oscar was the only office member who came to the funeral. It was a little weird that Angela wasn't in attendance, given Dwight's obsession with her, but that's alright. Seeing Oscar react to the weirdness of Dwight's family was really fun, as was the introduction of Dwight's family members. Their weird traditions were hilarious!

It's going to be interesting to see what happens to the office now that Dwight is going to leave, ostensibly, to run the farm. We've lost Michael, Jim, and now Dwight? Crazy.

The office's plot line was a little more thin. There was no continuation of the Andy vs. Erin and Pete plot, or Jim and Pam's problems. I understand the need for a lighter episode once in a while, but after such a long hiatus mid-season, I would have liked to see some of these threads picked up. Seeing Packer again was kind of fun, but he sort of just made me miss Michael (much like Jan's earlier guest appearance).

Packer's presence felt rather like one long fart joke, what with the drugs in the cupcakes. Not entirely my type of humor, though I guess it might suit some people.

In short, this episode had one great plot, and one rather lackluster one. I enjoyed it overall, but it could have been a lot stronger.


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