March 20, 2013

Parks and Recreation: Bailout (5x16)

This is a great show, and this was a great episode. I think one of the biggest strengths of this show is its understanding of when to push the envelope and when to give us comfort and familiarity. This week we got our good old reliable Parks and Recreation humor.

The main plot thread of the episode involved Leslie's attempts to save the local video store. Inadvertantly, she turned it into a porn shop, and incurred the distaste of Ron Swanson, who saw Leslie's actions as a government bailout. The other plot involved Tom's Rent-A-Swag business, and how Jean-Ralphio's sister is causing strife in the business.

The episode relied on familiar jokes, such as Leslie being tied to Pawnee's porn industry, Ron Swanson's love of food (meat, especially), Tom's helplessness when confronted with the promise of sex, Jean-Ralphio's ineptitude at... well... everything.
On a more serious note, we have in this episode Chris's final and, let's face it, inevitable decision to have a baby with Ann. I am, I will admit, a bit skeptical about this storyline. It could work out really well, and be a much needed serious thread on this show. Now that Ben and Leslie are married, the show may be in need of another family-oriented story. I'm just slightly worried that we'll lose the brilliance of these two characters if we soften them too much with a baby-plot. Also - does this mean that they'll be raising this kid together? Sounds a lot less like sperm donation and a lot more like a relationship. This could be comedic gold if it happens.

So... a really solid episode over-all. A few worries about the future of Ann and Chris's plot, but I'll reserve judgment.


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