May 09, 2013

Parks and Recreation: Are You Better Off? (5x22)

This was a great finale. It set up a compelling conflict for next season and introduced some new twists into some established relationships. There were three story lines going on this week, each of which left some serious questions for next season, which I really enjoy.

First of all, we have Leslie. It's getting to be Founder's Day, and as they prepare their celebrations, a lot of the townsfolk begin complaining about the changes Leslie has made over this past year as councilwoman. In fact, it escalates so much that the town actually wants to recall Leslie, and she is so discouraged that she wonders if she should even fight it. The episode ended and we don't know how things are going to turn out for Leslie... but we know that she's going to fight for what she cares about! Favorite quotes: 

Leslie: "This feels strangely personal. Maybe it's because they're all standing up and saying how much they hate me! As a person!"

Brandi Maxxx, just trying to be helpful: "If it weren't for Leslie Knope, there would be far, far, less pornography in this town."

Chris, talking about their efforts to clean up the river: "Last one to pick up 100 rusty cans... has still accomplished a great deal."

Chris, talking about the founder's day celebrations: "Due to a tragic misunderstanding, the prettiest pig beauty pageant has been replaced by a pork rib barbecue competition. Oh no!" His acting really sold this. There was this pause before he said "oh no," and the look on his face was just priceless.

Then we have Tom's plot this week. While not particularly hilarious, it set up further conflict for next season, which I think is great. The gist is, someone wants to buy Rent-A-Swag, and at first he considers it but then he declines. Now, his potential buyer will become his competition, opening up a similar store across the street. Like I said, nothing too hilarious happened here, but it did set up an interesting plot thread for next season, in which Tom has to deal with problems in his business.

Then there's the pregnancy mystery, which I adored. It tied together all of the plot threads, as Andy (under cover as Burt Macklin) tries to figure out who is pregnant. Donna and Ann are eliminated pretty quickly, Leslie is hilariously removed from the race when Andy runs in at the worst possible moment and asks Leslie in front of a whole crowded room if she's pregnant.

Then, Mona Lisa is the suspected mother-to-be. I loved Tom's line here: "I'm gonna have a baby with Jean-Ralphio's sister? Oh God. What have I done? Like, to humanity?" But it turns out it's not Mona Lisa, which leaves April. Andy seems very excited to be a father, but...

It's not April, either. She does have a secret though! She got into veterinary school! Go April! I hope she chooses to go, because that would add a whole new dynamic to her character and to her relationship with Andy. In the end, it turns out that Ron's girlfriend is the pregnant one. Oh my goodness! A mini Swanson running around! That's going to be precious.

Two random other moments that I enjoyed: apparently Donna lives in Pawnee because the cost of living is cheap, and eventually she's going to move to Seattle because she likes the rain and fish markets. :)

Jerry is in the episode briefly as Tom is talking to all his share holders, and when they are all mean to him as usual, he says: "I miss you guys" with a little smile.

In all, I would say the only reason that this episode doesn't get top marks from me is because it didn't really feel like a finale. There weren't any scenes where all the characters could spend time together, and I really like seeing that for finales. On the plus side, it sets up a lot of cool stuff for Season six! I'll be eagerly awaiting the return of this show, as always.


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