May 12, 2013

Elementary: A Landmark Story (1x21)

I'm glad that this episode was larger-mythology based, because I think that this is where this show can really shine. The set-up this week was really intriguing, and there were some great character building moments that I'm excited to see continue. 

Basically, what happens is that Moran wants to talk to Sherlock, and he tells him about Moriarty's next move. Sherlock finds another person working for Moriarty and ends up getting closer to him than ever before. At the end, we actually get a phone call from Moriarty to Sherlock!

This plot is basically an Act 1 of sorts, leading up to what I hope will be an epically awesome confrontation with Moriarty in the near future. I don't actually have a lot to say about this one because it kept such a tight focus and it knew exactly what it needed to accomplish.

The evolution of Sherlock's character has been so interesting to watch, and it seemed to really culminate in this episode as he promised Joan that he would not treat Moriarty in the same way that he treated Moran earlier. Joan is at first unconvinced, as well she should be, but Sherlock tells her that things are different now: "Quite frankly I'm surprised you have to ask. When I pursued Moran, my entire life I had made one meaningful connection and that was with Irene Adler... the thing that's different about me, empirically speaking, is you."

This quote melted my heart, and not only because of the broment between them. It's more about Sherlock's willingness to open up, and how much he has changed over this brief period of time.

Gregson didn't have a lot to do in this episode, but he was his usual gruff yet understanding self as he gave Sherlock the benefit of the doubt during all the crazy things that were happening.

I liked the element of history here, with the speak-easy connection, and I actually think it's interesting to talk about historical sites in America especially, because of how young the country as a whole actually is. Since this is a topic that personally interests me, I liked seeing how it was incorporated here.

It was also creepy to find out that at one point, Moriarty was going to have Sherlock killed, but then he changed his mind. I wonder what his game is? In the Guy Richie movies, Moriarty was after money. In the BBC show, he was just a bored psychopath. I wonder which version they will go with here?

I'll list some of my favorite banter moments between Sherlock and Joan, because obviously that is the primary reason I keep coming back for more. 

-Sherlock dislocates his shoulder trying to get out of a straight jacket and Joan seems hardly phased. She just pops it back in like a bad-ass while Sherlock yells in pain.

-Joan immediately sense that Sherlock is lying to Gregson about his exchange with Moran, and she immediately confronts him. Sherlock, annoyed, pulls out the newspaper article and gives it to her, saying: "Just so you know, I intended to share this with you, just not here!"

-When they break into a funeral home, Sherlock starts complimenting Joan on her dissecting techniques and she answers with: "No. I am dissecting a body in the middle of the night. We are not having a moment."

-Then of course there was his speech to her, which was precious. I love that Joan responds with: "That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me," to which Sherlock replies:  "As I said, it's an empirical observation."

There were a lot of other lovely things about this episode, but I think I'll stop there. Bottom line is, I'm very excited to see what comes next.


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