March 06, 2023

Bob's Burgers: These Boots Are Made for Stalking (13x14)

We get a nice classic Tina-centric outing this week. Let's dive in!


I don't really have much to say in the way of negativity. This wasn't an episode that's going to go down in history or anything, but nor is it an episode I have any complaints about.


Gene and Louise spend the episode trying to outlast each other on a ridiculous point of pride: wearing dirty socks around their necks. It all starts because Louise wants to humiliate Gene for leaving his dirty laundry in her room, but Gene pretends not to mind, challenging Louise to try it as well. This feels like real sibling shenanigans, and I always love to see that. I also love that in the end, Louise realizes it's ridiculous, and they decide to give up their dirty sock necklaces at the same time, to spare themselves and everyone around them. Louise is a character who will always go the extra mile just to say she won, so it's nice that she's sometimes able to come to the rational conclusion and back down when her quest isn't serving anybody's interests, including her own.

I always love to see how hard the Belcher family will go for each other. When Tina decides she wants to be like the confident and cool new teens who have been hanging around the restaurant, Linda goes with her to get new clothes, and the whole family piles in the car to take her to the concert where she hopes to make her new friends. They even follow said teenagers down the street and send Tina into a Greek restaurant after them, to help her on her mission. They might think she's being ridiculous, but they'll back her play.

Tina has to learn the lesson that the coolest thing she can do is just be herself: not exactly a groundbreaking message, but this show and this family are just so sweet and comforting that I still like to see Tina wrestle with this. In the end, wearing her own regular clothes and not forcing herself to like music she doesn't like, she actually has a cool, casual exchange with one of the kids she was admiring. Go Tina!

That's all I've got. It's always a little hard to think of things to say when reviewing a short comedy like this, with no forward plot momentum. I had fun with it! That's about all I've got to say.


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