March 14, 2022

The Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones (11x12)

Eh, this episode didn't compel me the way the last couple episodes have. I guess the novelty of the Commonwealth is starting to wear off a bit.


The guy who wants to bring in the additional communities for his own personal clout is kind of boring to me? I guess I don't quite get his whole deal, and Pamela is also feeling a bit one-note to me. I get that it's going to be an issue of control, they're going to have to figure out a balance where the benefits of the Commonwealth are not worth the totalitarianism. Like, we all agree totalitarian regimes are bad, but zombie apocalypses are also bad, right? I don't know, it just seems like all this stuff is going to be dragged way out past the point of interest, where I want to get to the aftermath, so we can see what the world will truly look like moving forward for these characters. This is the final season, let's get a move on, here!


I did like Eugene and Max's scenes. I want to believe there will be no more double-crossing, that this time it's really real, and Eugene will get to have that happiness. I loved his apology, where he talked about his difficulty with social cues and how believing in the imposter was part of so badly wanting to have that love in his life. These two are both very awkward and yet sweet, and I find myself genuinely rooting for their love! And I also thought Eugene's struggle before getting to that point where he could talk to Max was interesting to watch. He and Rosita having a moment together was sweet; at this point they are some of the longest lasting characters on the show and their friendship was a bizarre yet powerful one to watch develop over the years.

Conceptually, this idea that Alexandria and Hilltop have differing opinions about whether to work with the Commonwealth could be interesting. My concern is that the pacing is going to be interminable and that we won't really get anything new, but theoretically they could pull it off in a cool way if they wanted to. I especially enjoyed Maggie and Pamela going hunting together and talking things out. Maggie doesn't approve of Pamela having nicer things and living a more comfortable life just because she's in charge, but Pamela's point isn't completely meritless either. I like how disgusted and surprised the folks from the Commowealth were, to see how much the Walkers are still an active threat to the people in these communities, how rough their lives still are.

It's always a treat to see characters I care for have moments of human care and connection. Maggie gets on my nerves these days (although she was much more tolerable than she has been since her return), but yeah, of course I smile to see Daryl and Maggie share a hug. Daryl and Lydia, too. There's something so normal and satisfying about seeing these people in situations where they feel safe enough to travel about to different communities, thus giving them the opportunity to miss each other without having to be in terror for one another's safety all the time.

And I think that's where I'll leave it, just a quick little review. I can't believe we're down to like... twelve more episodes of this show ever.


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