March 10, 2020

The Walking Dead: Morning Star (10x11)

Okay so... this is about as mixed of a bag as I can imagine. There were so many good moments, but so many aggravating things, too.


To start, I love the idea of Eugene falling in love with this voice on the other side of the radio. I had initially assumed that this lady was up to no good, but now it seems like she might be genuine. But while there's a lot to like about this plot thread, there's also a glaring problem. Rosita finds out that Eugene has been talking to some stranger on the radio, and she asks no questions. She's not even slightly worried. She tells nobody else. How is it that she isn't freaked out by this? What if this woman is trouble? What if Eugene is revealing information he shouldn't be revealing? It feels completely unrealistic to me that someone else would find out about Eugene's little radio friend, and that it wouldn't become a serious issue.

What is Negan even doing? He escaped because he couldn't stand being a prisoner any more. Fair enough. But now he wants to be a part of Alpha's gang? I don't know what happens in the comics, but this feels so uninspired. It's like they have no idea what to do with Negan, but they know he's a popular character, so they randomly have him allied with Alpha. For a shining moment, I thought Negan was trying to save Hilltop by suggesting that they surrender to Alpha. But he seemed genuinely pleased with her plan to burn it to the ground, so... I guess he doesn't care if they all die? Including Judith? It all just feels so unmotivated and pointless.

Speaking of unmotivated and pointless - Carol and Ezekiel. I tolerated them as a couple while it was happening, but was genuinely relieved when their relationship fell apart. It's not that they're painfully bad to watch together... it's just that they're boring. And I'm sad that Ezekiel has cancer, I really am... and I'm sad that Carol is still going through this awful trauma. But their sex scene really didn't add anything to the story.


As I said, I actually like the idea of Eugene finding love with a voice on the radio. I hope this woman is legit, and not trying to trick him somehow. Also, bless Rosita for proving to Eugene how he really felt. I didn't want them to actually kiss, and was relieved when Eugene stopped himself. He's pining for someone else, now! I also like how Eugene talks about Rosita to his crush - "my proverbial BFF." So cute.

Generally speaking, there was some good tension and buildup to the big fight between the Whisperers and Hilltop. The gang is all gathered together, there are several conversations that seem like maybe someone won't make it out of this fight alive, you've got reconciliations and promises made, all while preparations commence. And then the invasion of the hoard, the fire... the payoff is worth the buildup, at least what we've seen of it so far.

It's the little moments during the buildup that make this episode work for me. While I wish Carol and Ezekiel hadn't slept together, I liked their earlier moment at Daryl's camp, the way Zeke sought her out to offer her comfort.

And I loved Daryl and Ezekiel's scene. Daryl says that he and Ezekiel have never had much to say to each other, but he sees what he's gone through and he respects him. The two make a pact to get the kids out and to safety, should either of them fall in the battle to come. I liked the camaraderie here, and the unspoken way Carol exists between these two men who care for her.

Daryl and Carol probably still have some healing to do, but I obviously loved Daryl telling Carol he could never hate her. Their bond, whether you see it as romantic or not, is stronger than anything else.

Daryl and Judith's conversation warmed my heart the whole way through. Daryl admits to being scared, and Judith says she's scared for RJ, scared for her mother, scared for Daryl and Carol. I love the fact that Rick's daughter has this whole community of parental figures in her life, and Daryl is certainly one of them.

Carol and Lydia had another one of my favorite moments. Carol says that Lydia should hate her - and says she still has plans to kill Alpha. Would Lydia hate Carol then? Lydia says she won't be thinking about Carol, if that does happen. Lydia is blunt - she wishes people would say things as they are, would stop being so hesitant. Her life has been a mess. Carol had happiness and then she lost her son. It all sucks, and there's something very cathartic in saying it out loud.

I could probably go on, but you get the idea. There were several large structural problems with this episode, but there were also a lot of little moments that worked for me. We're going to see the fall-out next week, I guess, and maybe finally get some answers about Connie and Magna? I'm not ready to give up on those two yet.


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