March 15, 2019

Grey's Anatomy: And Dream of Sheep (15x17)

Can we not with the whole Owen and Teddy thing? Please? I'm so annoyed.


I'm cool with Owen and Teddy being close, and Owen comforting Teddy after a heartbreaking loss. The only thing about their entire plot thread that I don't like is the dumb thing at the end where Koracick walks in and sees Owen comforting Teddy, and walks away. Can we just stop? The promo for next week shows Koracick talking to Owen about it, warning him to back off. This is dumb. I think Tom and Teddy actually make a very cute couple, and Owen is just constantly getting in the way of everyone's happiness, and I need it to stop.

I think the Amelia/Link thing is stupid and it probably won't go much of anywhere that I enjoy. I think I'm going to have to face the facts that I just... don't really like Amelia all that much? Sure, she has her moments, but I find myself perpetually annoyed by pretty much every story-line she's in.

Finally, a small complaint: this show is supposed to take place in Seattle, and they never bother to do even the smallest amount of research when it comes to Seattle-specific stuff. One of the interns says "Pike Street Market." Nobody calls it that. It's always "Pike Place Market," or just "Pike Place," and every time this show gets it wrong, I cringe. Come on! It's a small detail, but it totally takes me out of the moment.


The main story this week involved a couple in a car accident, and Vincenzo's "baby in a bag" research, and it was incredibly tragic for everyone involved. The mother loses her baby, which is of course terrible for a pregnant Teddy, and for Carina, who had given the mother false hope. There wasn't really anything complicated or unique going on in this scenario - it was just incredibly tragic, and all of the actors did a heartbreaking job of conveying their pain.

The more complicated, messy side of things is that Vincenzo is still doing his trials, with Andrew's support, but Carina is convinced that their father is in a bad place and things are spiraling out of control. Turns out... she's right. Vincenzo offers his technology to the mother who is about to lose her baby, but of course they can't really allow a test on human subjects, and sadly while the mother and father both survive the crash, they do lose their baby. The hardest scene for me to watch was Andrew coming to the realization that everyone was right about his dad - he is unhinged, and he is too sick to realize how his actions are hurting others. That was just heartbreaking. I'm surprised this plot thread came to a head as soon as it did, but I thought the culmination was perfectly tragic.

Meredith is sort of in the background of this episode. She's toeing an interesting line between being judgmental of what's going on with the DeLuca family, but also being supportive and knowing when to stay out of the way. Their romance is still ongoing, and it looks like they're getting to the stage where they can be there for each other through difficult times. We'll have to see how this goes...

Bailey has a conversation with Helen Karev, and learns that she's nervous about traveling back home. Bailey tells Alex this, and by the end of the episode, Alex decides to take a couple of days off to go with his mom back home and get her settled back into her routine. I really loved the conversation between Bailey and Helen. It was nice to see that Helen knew her own limits, and knew that she was in some distress, but she wasn't sure quite how to ask for help. I like that Bailey put Alex in his place, and helped him to realize how he could help. This was a lovely result! I liked having Helen around, and hope we get to see her again.

Jackson is making breakthroughs by using fish-scales on burn patients. That's basically the whole plot thread here, but I did like that it provided some comic relief, and reminded us that this hospital is known for its crazy medical adventurousness.

Maggie gets interviewed about her medical genius birth parents. I like that she's getting some attention for this, and we're seeing how it's both a good and a bad thing for her. She manages to do a good job of emphasizing that she was raised by her parents, and that Richard Webber is a "bonus." I liked that. It was a good balance. I'm also glad that Richard's name isn't being dragged through the mud so far. I hope we can do without that.

Jo gets her DNA tested, discovers that she's in good shape medically, and finds a connection to her family. Parker, one of the interns, uses his internet research skills to find Jo's birth mother. This is an interesting plot thread to explore. I'm nervous for Jo, but I hope she is able to find something joyful out of it. Knowing this show, there's bound to be plenty of over-the-top drama, but this is the type of excitement that I love. Jo has found her family with Alex, and that's the most important thing, but that doesn't mean she can't find more people to bring into her heart! My family recently found some new relatives in just the same way, and fortunately it's been wonderful for us.

That's all for now, folks! I'm annoyed about Owen and Teddy, but what else is new? There's still plenty to look forward to for the rest of the season!


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