February 09, 2019

The Big Bang Theory: The Donation Oscillation (12x15)

Sometimes this show is so hard to write about because I feel like I have to give it so many brownie points for just not totally sucking.


I don't like the way that this show frames Bernadette and Howard's relationship in this really unhealthy way. The weird competitive edge, trying to prove each other wrong... it's all very disconcerting when it's a married couple with two kids who supposedly really love each other. It just rubs me the wrong way. Of course, all the couples on this show are dysfunctional in one way or another, but there's a certain meanness to Bernie and Howard sometimes that makes me uncomfortable.


I did like spending more time with Anu and Raj, as we see that in comparison, they actually seem like a somewhat healthy couple. I liked the idea of transforming Howard's bachelor party idea for Raj into something that the couples could do together, even if I didn't like all the squabbling with Howard and Bernie. I hope we can see Anu spend more time with the rest of the gang, because I think she brings an interesting energy.

I liked that Sheldon and Amy were in the background this week, providing some comic relief. Sheldon wanting to have Zack's baby is a cute little diversion, and I think it works that the show doesn't paint it as a serious possibility. It's something Sheldon is obsessing over because he's competitive and a narcissist, but if confronted with the reality, I know he wouldn't really be interested in that, and Amy certainly wouldn't. Still, it had some good moments of humor.

I am always really nervous that this show is going to do a reversal and have Penny change her mind about wanting kids, or that suddenly she'll get pregnant and be thrilled about it, and her mind will be changed for her. So far, so good. I like the fact that she and her dad got in to it this week. Their conversation actually reminded me of one I've had with my mom. See, I don't plan on getting married or having kids. This is my choice and I'm good with it. My mom has talked to me about her own happy life experiences, and how she doesn't want me to miss out. It's hard for her to imagine my happiness taking a shape so different from her own, but she supports me in what I want. This was basically what was going on with Penny's dad, and I really admired it.

Also, I find myself glad that Leonard isn't going through with donating sperm to Zack. On the one hand, I should be annoyed that once again The Big Bang Theory has decided to do the less creative, less adventurous thing and stick to the status quo. But really, I don't want that kind of wacky sitcom hi-jinks to come in at the eleventh hour. If we can just quietly coast through these last few weeks and put this show behind us forever, I'll be grateful.

That's all I have energy for at the moment. Only a few more weeks until I'll be free from this purgatory!


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