February 09, 2019

Grey's Anatomy: Girlfriend in a Coma (15x12)

Aww man! I got pretty emotional...


Maybe it's just because we haven't seen much of the story on Grey's, but I didn't feel all that invested when Ben and Bailey made amends. I mean, I'm happy for them in a vague sort of way, but I didn't feel all warm and fuzzy when Ben made Bailey a tree house.

This is a nitpick, but there was this weird moment when DeLuca asked where Meredith was at Jo and Alex's New Year's party, and he seemed annoyed that she wasn't there, but then right after that Alex said it was time to do the countdown. So... the party started right before midnight? That was just a bit clumsy and should have been an easy fix.

Meredith and DeLuca are pretty great and I'm actually all here for it, except for one thing: Meredith was pretty awful to Link. Earlier in the episode DeLuca was pissed at Meredith - rightfully so - for standing him up. We're meant to read that as poor behavior on Mer's part. And then as the episode ends, she does the exact same thing to Link! That sucked. She should have called him.


First of all, I liked the way this episode jumped through time, taking us from before Christmas to Valentine's Day. That was a fun way to bridge some gaps and escalate some plots more quickly.

Okay. Garrett and Natasha were just heartbreaking. Honestly I was so upset. I kept waiting for a miracle that would fix everything in the end, but... nope. Just more sadness. I wasn't expecting to get all emotional, but I totally did. The moment that really got me wasn't the turning back time, or the wedding under the stars. It was when Garrett said "thank you for marrying me." That just made me so emotional. And the fact that Natasha couldn't talk in her final moments... ouch. Just gutting.

Everyone knows I'm not the biggest fan of Catherine Fox, but I was a bit moved by her struggles during her recovery, and the way that she lashed out, but then acknowledged to Richard that she knew she was being difficult. I also liked Maggie using her experience with her mom to empathize with Jackson, instead of making it all about her own feelings. That part where they were discussing the physical symptoms of their grief was really moving.

Umm... Betty's not Betty? I'll admit I really didn't see that coming. I liked Owen's honesty with Amelia. He needs to sort this out, he needs to know if Betty's parents are going to come and take baby Leo away, and he needs to know quickly, because Leo has become his son, and he needs to know if he's going to lose him. Amelia and Owen's plot with Leo and Betty has never been my favorite, but this added twist really elevates things for me, and I'm curious about what's going to happen.

We checked in briefly with various couples without delving too much into their lives. I loved Jo being so excited to host a New Year's Eve party, and her and Alex wearing those silly glasses, and kissing each other and calling each other "Dr. Karev." That was extra-strength adorable and I'm all about it. Also, Nico and Levi seem to have gotten closer. Levi makes a comment about how he'll come for Christmas with Nico's family "next year," so clearly they're getting to a more serious point in their relationship. Also, Levi coming out to everyone in the OR was hilarious. It was so awkward yet so perfect and funny and sweet. Everyone seemed genuinely happy for him, and you really can see how he's grown in confidence. We also see Teddy and Koracick go out for pedicures. This was actually really sweet, and endeared me even more to Koracick. He's dating a pregnant woman, sort of, but he's not pushing anything to go too far, and he's catering to her specific needs re: foot pain. Adorable.

Meredith and Andrew... sigh... they set my heart all aflutter. I'm very pleased that Meredith is getting back out there, and even though she owes Link a big ol' apology, I think ultimately she's choosing the right guy. It's odd to think of Meredith with a serious romantic prospect. Do we think that this is something that's going to continue into the next several seasons of this never-ending show? I kind of hope so. I like the romances on this show, the ones that get me really invested and feel real. I loved Meredith and Derek. I loved Callie and Arizona. I love Alex and Jo. Sometimes it takes me a while to hop on board with a new ship. For Meredith and Andrew, I'm so here for the ride.

So, yeah! This was good. It made me tear up during the stuff with Natasha and Garrett, and I liked the way we pushed through a lot of time and things are moving forward at quite the clip. I'm ready for what's next!


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