May 12, 2015

Once Upon a Time: Operation Mongoose Part 1/Part 2 (4x22/23)

Ahhh!! Okay this plot summary is going to take forever, so let's just dive right in. Eeeeek this was an awesome finale.

First, we learn the Author's origin story. He was a TV salesman who wanted to be a writer. One day, he got a letter to meet up with a publisher - the publisher ended up being the Apprentice. Isaac becomes the next Author by choosing the correct pen, and the Apprentice makes a magic doorway appear. Isaac begins his life as a man who tells stories.

Then, we've got Storybrooke - all our heroes (Emma, Hook, Henry, Regina, Robin, Mary Margaret, and David) are trying to figure out how to stop Isaac and Rumple from writing the villains their happy endings. August shows up. He knows who can help them - the Apprentice. He has a picture of the Apprentice, and Hook recognizes him as one of the people he trapped when he was forced to work for Rumple. With Blue's help, the rescue the Apprentice, who tells them they need to find the original Storybook, and trap Isaac back in its pages. Henry goes with Hook, Mary Margaret, and David to go look for the book, while Emma goes with Regina and the Apprentice to Gold's shop.

In the shop, Isaac is writing the story. He finishes up the last details in time to save Rumple, who is close to death because of his blackened heart. Isaac pens the words "The End," and everything changes.

Henry wakes up to find Storybrooke deserted. He drives to a restaurant to find help, and sees a book called "Heroes and Villains," by Isaac. He finds the Author at a book signing, where he is successful and popular. Henry has the page of the original book with the door in it, and the key, so he threatens to lock Isaac up unless Isaac gives him some answers. Isaac reveals that all of Henry's family are trapped inside the original manuscript of "Heroes and Villains." The Author doesn't have the power to write their way out, since he wrote himself his own happy ending, and thus the quill is no longer magical. Henry uses his key to enter into the "Heroes and Villains" book himself. Isaac gets trapped with him.

Inside the book, Isaac ties Henry up, and accidentally lets slip that if the heroes get their happy endings back, that will ruin the whole book and undo all the damage. Henry is nearly killed by an ogre, but he is saved by Rumplestiltskin, who is a noble hero in this world. Henry finds Regina, who is on the run from the Evil Queen, Snow White. It looks like Regina and Snow have switched places in this world. Regina obviously doesn't believe Henry's story about how he's her adopted son, but she can't help but have some hope when she hears that Robin Hood is her true love. Henry thinks that if Regina and Robin share a True Love's Kiss, that will fix everything.

Meanwhile, the Author is kidnapped by the dwarfs and brought to Snow White. He tells Snow White about Henry, and how Henry will be trying to help Regina. He asks Snow to kill them both, and Snow is all too willing. Regina tries to rob a horse-drawn carriage, but is surprised to find Snow and Charming inside. In this reality, Snow's true love was James, who died. She is now with James' twin, a pale imitation of her lost love. Just as Snow is about to kill Regina, Robin shows up and saves her. Robin and Regina hit it off right away, and Regina realizes that maybe love is possible for her. Then, Robin tells Regina that he's getting out of the thieving business because he's getting married - to Zelena. Henry realizes that the only way to save the heroes is to stop the wedding, but Regina wants nothing to do with it.

Regina suggests that Henry go and find his other mother, Emma. Henry doesn't think that Emma is in the book, but Regina tells him that Snow White imprisoned a powerful sorceress who called herself the "Savior." Henry knows he has to find her.

Rumple comes home to his wife Belle and their newborn son. Isaac is there waiting for him. Isaac tells Rumple that all of his happiness could be destroyed unless he stops Henry and Regina from stopping Robin and Zelena's wedding. Rumple is torn, because as a hero he shouldn't try to stop Regina from finding her true love. But he doesn't want to sacrifice his own happiness either.

Henry finds Hook so that he can help him rescue Emma. Hook is a deck hand on board the Jolly Roger - Blackbeard is the captain. Henry knocks Blackbeard out, since Hook isn't a fighter in this world. Henry learned how to sail from Hook in Storybrooke, so he is able to help Hook sail to the tower where Emma is being held captive. They use the old Wookie prisoner trick to get past the guard, and Henry finds Emma. Emma remembers everything about their old lives - it's her punishment to know what's wrong and not be able to fix it. Henry, Emma, and Hook all escape the tower. The guard, it turns out, was Lily. She transforms into a dragon and chases the ship, but Hook and Emma knock her out of the sky.

Off of the ship, Emma tries to show Hook how to use a sword, explaining that he's an expert at it in the other reality. Snow and Charming show up, since Lily ran and told them of Emma's escape. Hook offers to fight them off and give Emma and Henry a chance to escape. Hook manages to hold Charming off for a while, but he is no match for him in the long run - Hook is stabbed and killed, right in front of a distraught Emma. Emma and Henry run off and find Regina. Emma tells Regina that everything Henry told her is true - if she wants her happy ending, she needs to stop Robin and Zelena's wedding. They show up to the wedding just in time, but before Regina can go in, Rumple shows up. He's decided he needs to protect his happiness by stopping Regina, just like Isaac said.

Henry and Emma hold off Rumple while Regina goes to stop the wedding. However, Regina sees that Rumple is about to stab Henry, and she jumps in the way, sacrificing her life. Robin and Zelena get married. As Robin comes outside and sees that Regina is dying, he runs to her side. Zelena feels a flash of jealousy, and her skin starts to turn green. She runs off, as Robin stays with Regina and promises her that she won't die alone. Isaac turns up, happy in knowing that the story is over, and that they can't change anything. However, Henry picks up Isaac's quill, and becomes the new Author. He uses the blood of a Light Savior, Regina, to write "because of Regina's sacrifice, Isaac's villainous work was undone."

It worked! Back in Storybrooke, things have been set back to normal. Everybody joyously reunites. Emma finds Hook alive, but still does not have the courage to tell him she loves him. Rumble is dying - Belle finds him, and tells him he could have had his happiness here, in real life, without all the scheming. Rumple couldn't believe that anybody would love the real him. As he's dying, he warns Belle that the Dark One will become un-tethered from his body, and cause havoc. 

Isaac tries to escape Storybrooke, but Mary Margaret and David stop him. He reveals that he wanted to ruin the happiness of the heroes because he was tired of being pushed around his whole life by people who thought they were the good guys. The Apprentice talks to Henry, who is tempted to use the power of the quill to bring his father back. The Apprentice tells Henry that it's impossible. Besides, nobody should have that much power. Henry breaks the quill, proving himself worthy of the honor. At the diner, everybody is celebrating. Lily tells Emma that she wants to find out who her father is, and she plans on sticking around in Storybrooke to do so.

Belle runs to warn the others that the Dark One will soon be unleashed. Emma and the others arrive, bringing the Apprentice with them. The Apprentice uses magic to remove the Dark One from Rumple, and traps it in the Hat. Rumple is now disconnected from the Dark One. However, the Hat cannot contain the Dark One. It goes inside the Apprentice, but Emma uses her magic to dispel it. The Apprentice, with his dying breath, tells Emma and Hook that the only way to stop the Dark One permanently is to find the sorcerer who originally tethered him to one person - his name is Merlin.

Emma and Hook run outside, where they meet up with Mary Margaret, David, Regina, and Robin. They all look for the Dark One. It shows up, encompassing Regina in its Darkness. Emma realizes that there's only one way to save Regina - the Dark One needs to be tethered to a person again. Regina, Mary Margaret, David, and Hook all beg Emma not to do it, but she's made up her mind. She asks her parents to find a way to save her, and she tells Hook that she loves him. Then, she channels the darkness within herself. As Emma disappears into the dark smoke, the dagger falls to the ground, newly emblazoned with the name: Emma Swan.

Dun dun DUNNNNN. So. Awesome. I have a few tiny little nitpicks. Because when do I not?

Jared S. Gilmore actually pulled off the acting okay in this one, which is impressive since he had a lot of screen time, but there were a few iffy moments. I actually cringed when Regina said: "Henry, you did it!" And Henry responded "No mom. We did it." I mean... really. Really? Did they really say that line?

Also, I have a concern for the future of this show - does this mean that Rumple is not going to be held accountable for his actions? Will all of his evil deeds be passed off as the influence of the Dark One? Because if so, then I'm annoyed. But even if they try to show him redeeming himself, I'll still be annoyed, because I'm never going to support Rumple again, and I really want Belle just to stay the hell away from him and find happiness with Will. I guess I'm just struggling to connect with a character that's so evil.

But other than that? Holy Hell, this was an amazing finale. I honestly don't even know where to start with all of this awesomeness.

Henry as a hero? Hell yes. I loved the way he figured out what to do, and spent most of the time running around making stuff happen. He was so far from the victim that we saw in Neverland. This was his story. He was the hero. I'm really happy that Henry finally had something to do again. He's been pretty dormant all season.

The Author isn't typical of the villains on this show, but that's probably why he's so fantastic. He's just a guy with a bad attitude, who wants shortcuts handed to him. He writes himself a magical happy ending instead of trying hard. He would rather kill a child than have that happiness taken from him. But he's not a mustache-twirling cackling type of villain, like Rumple and Regina have both been in the past. He's just a cowardly little worm. I enjoyed that.

I've gotta say - I just enjoyed the heck out of watching Regina the bandit and Snow the Evil Queen. It was such a simple plot device to have them switch places, and yet it works so well because both of these actresses are chewing the scenery like no other. Snow especially gets some great moments as the Evil Queen, and the costuming is amazing, as anybody could have guessed.

Of all the character alterations that happened in this weird alternate universe, I think my favorite is Hook. He is rewritten as a lowly deck hand and as a coward. However, when he learns of an opportunity to help somebody, he braves a very dangerous situation and even ultimately ends up sacrificing his life to help the heroes. He transcends the bounds of Isaac's writing, and firmly establishes himself as a hero.

I've never been fully convinced by the Robin/Regina story line. I think it's because we were told from the start that they were supposed to be together, which sort of ruins the buildup. Even so, I really liked their scenes in this episode, especially in the tavern, when you can just see them falling for each other instantly. So cute. And, also, how amazing is the idea of competitive bandits Robin and Regina, always trying to best each other and then falling in love? I can sense many fanfictions on the way!

Of course, then there's the Hook/Emma stuff. Be. Still. My. Beating. Heart. I don't even know if I have the energy to write out all the adorable little moments about the two of them. When Hook first meets Emma in the alternate world, he just looks at her completely star struck. Emma knows who he is already, and she's so happy to see him, but this is Killian's first ever interaction with her, and he's instantly in love. Then there's that cute little scene where Emma teaches Killian how to use a sword, and they talk about muscle memory... eeeep. Then of course there's the tragic fact that Emma watches Hook die right in front of her. She tells Regina that she never told him that she loved him, and she'll always regret not being able to say it. This is the stuff that great fanfiction is made out of. Seriously. Then there's Emma hugging Killian and the two of them falling back into the bed, and they're holding hands, and both smiling... it's too precious to comprehend. And then, Emma Swan says I love you. She says it! She actually says it! In the most tragic circumstances imaginable, but still. She says it.

Emma and Regina's relationship also got quite a bit of focus, which I enjoyed. Emma finally gets to help Regina with her happy ending. That was a nice way to bring things full circle for the season. Also, Emma became the Dark One in part to save Regina's life, so that was wonderful.

Emma's sacrifice wasn't just for Regina, though. It was for everyone. It's the ultimate tragic irony - her last act as the Savior is saving the whole town, by becoming the next thing that will threaten it. I am beyond excited to enter into Season Five with Emma as our Big Bad. Now, if Emma isn't cured with True Love's Kiss, I'm going to be upset! I can't believe we have to wait until fall to find out what happens next. I loved this episode!


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