May 17, 2015

Grey's Anatomy: You're My Home (11x24)

Huh. That didn't really feel like a finale. It was so... gentle. And sweet. Still, I really enjoyed it! Let's go over what happened.

The patient who was trapped in the car will live to see another day - and his wife and child both made it too! It's a tricky task, saving him, as they need to transport him from the car to the OR in less than five minutes, or he'll bleed out. They manage it, as Stephanie gets the interns to help her clear a path from outside to the OR. Stephanie is having trouble with her interns, since she's angry at them for almost killing a patient the week before. Bailey reminds her that the interns are her ducklings, and she needs to be a good teacher for them. Stephanie steps up her game.

April and Jackson talk about their future - April wants to go back to war, because she feels like it's her calling. Jackson says she should go if that's what she wants, but that he can't be there waiting for her when she gets back. It's too hard for him to handle the separation. April is devastated by the ultimatum, as she contemplates losing her husband.

Alex tells Jo that Meredith asked if she and the kids could move into the house. He asks her what she thinks, but Jo knows that she doesn't really have a say - Alex can't say no to Meredith. Alex explains that Meredith is his best friend, but he wants to be putting down roots here with Jo. Jo isn't sure what to do at first, but ultimately she decides that she and Alex should get their own place - she takes Alex to a loft that they could buy and start their lives in. Then, Alex could sell the house back to Meredith, and everybody will be happy.

Meredith and Amelia are still on shaky ground, but Meredith offers Amelia a peace offering - her old cellphone, with one message on it from Derek. Owen comes in to the room just as Amelia is about to listen to the message. She keeps him there, drawing comfort from him as she listens to Derek talking to Meredith. He's on the ferry, and he seems very happy and in love.

Richard and Catherine are still at odds. Richard announces vehemently that Bailey will be the next chief of surgery, but Catherine says that he doesn't get to make that choice. Meredith knocks some sense into them, reminding them that her husband is dead, and they should be grateful to be alive and in love. Richard and Catherine make some compromises about their relationship and about the hospital. Catherine agrees that Bailey will be interviewed alongside one outside candidate that Catherine will be choosing. Richard agrees that this is fair, and breaks the news to Bailey, who is confident that she'll crush her competition.

Richard and Catherine get married, and have their reception at Meredith and Derek's old house, which Meredith has decided to sell. Maggie, who has been upset all day, finally spills the beans that her parents are getting a divorce. It turns out, her mother has been having an affair for years, and that her parents were only together for the sake of their daughter. She didn't want to bother Meredith with it, because Meredith had bigger things going on. Meredith helps Maggie and Amelia both release some of their stress and pain. They "dance it out" at the reception, like Meredith used to do with Cristina.

I think my only complaint from this episode is that Derek's message was kind of a letdown. I knew we'd be getting that message eventually, since we saw the earlier shot of him on the ferry talking on his cell phone. I was hoping for something mundane yet oddly sweet. Something that sounded like a real message somebody might leave his wife. Instead, it was a little too sentimental and sappy, and,  it wasn't even that unique or original. If I could have written the script, I'd have it say something about how awesome ferries are, and then Derek could say he'd call Meredith when he got to DC. He could say I love you, and that would be that. I don't know... maybe it's a nitpick, but I was hoping for something really wonderful for Derek's last moment on the show.

That being said, I continue to be impressed by the actress who plays Amelia. Her grieving process is very different from what we saw Meredith go through in the double episode a few weeks back. She's still not in the post-grief phase, and that's okay. People move at different paces. I hope that Amelia and Owen can work it out, though. I feel like they'd be really good together once they got past their crap.

Jackson and April?! Oh no! My heart is breaking for these two. Honestly, their relationship has never been one of my main obsessions om this show, but again the acting just totally sold me. April's breakdown really got to me. The situation is so interesting, because I want April and Jackson to make it work, but I also want April to follow her calling.

Arizona and Callie had a few brief moments in this episode. They seem to really be okay with not being together anymore. There's a part of me that wants them to miraculously find their way back to each other, but on the other hand, I appreciate this show for actually showing a pretty realistic depiction of divorce. They're still a part of each other's lives, and it's pretty amicable, but they really aren't in that place anymore. It's okay, even if it hurts.

Jo and Alex, on the other hand, are entering into a new and stronger phase of their relationship. I totally take back the complaints I had last week about throwing in drama just for the sake of it. I see now that their plan was to strengthen them as a couple instead of tearing them apart, and I wholeheartedly approve. Jo says "I love you" to Alex for the first time, and it's lovely. I just adore the thought of them getting a place together and making it their own. It's totally time for Meredith to have her old house back, too. That seems fitting.

And speaking of Meredith, I think my favorite little moment of this whole episode was the scene between Alex and Meredith, when she wondered if Amelia could move into the house too. Alex just rolls his eyes at her. I love the ease and familiarity between them, and I couldn't stop smiling when Alex called Meredith his best friend. Aww!

Richard and Catherine. Another romance I've never been totally in love with, but here it was actually really sweet. Their negotiations about their future, both in terms of the hospital and in their relationship, made me laugh. And I was really happy to see them finally tie the knot. The reception was just the right dose of happiness to finish off this emotionally draining season.

Stephanie continues to reinforce herself in my mind as one of my very favorite characters. I love the idea of exploring her relationship to her interns in the next season. This show is so seamless when it comes to introducing new characters. Stephanie is still relatively new, in the scope of this eleven-season monster of a show, but she's enough of a principle character now to headline her own plot thread. I love that! And I love her! And I love Bailey telling her to get her head in the game and be a teacher. All of this was just perfect.

We finished off this season with Meredith dancing it out with her sisters Maggie and Amelia. This was just too adorable for words. It made me miss Cristina terribly, but it was also so nice to see that Meredith really is going to be okay. I can't wait for more of her special bond with her sisters! This show really is a behemoth. Eleven seasons, and still going strong. I'll be tuning in for Season Twelve, that's for sure!


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