October 20, 2014

The Legend of Korra: The Coronation (4x03)

Okay, so in this installment, we've got a lot of things getting underway. Let's just jump right in.

It's Wu's coronation day in Republic City. He's upset because apparently a lot of the traditional ceremonial jewels and performances won't be possible, due to the problems and the raiding in the Earth Kingdom. Nevertheless, Wu sucks it up and gets ready for his coronation. At said coronation, Kuvira makes a speech declaring that she will continue to lead the Earth Kingdom, and she will crush anyone who stands in her way.

Bolin is a bit uncomfortable with this takeover, but Kuvira reminds him of all they've done for the Earth Kingdom. Mako, who still has to look after Wu, clashes with Bolin about this. The two of them fight over what Kuvira has done. The other world leaders, including Suyin, are very upset with Kuvira. Suyin tries to talk to Kuvira, but Kuvira insists that Suyin was too cowardly and lazy to help the Earth Kingdom when it needed it, and that now Kuvira will do the job.

Mako has to look after Wu, as supporters of Kuvira constantly attack him in the streets. The poor prince feels very dejected about his coronation and his future prospects. We also set up a few threads for later episodes here: Varrick appears to be doing experiments on Spirit Vines for Kuvira, for what purpose we don't know. Tenzin sends Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo on a special mission to find Korra.

Speaking of Korra - she's thrilled to see Toph, and hopes that Toph can help her get her mojo back. Toph says it's useless, at first. After all, no matter how hard she used to try when she was the police chief, there were still bad people around. However, Toph finally concedes that she doesn't want to see Korra get beat up so badly, so... she'll help. The two of them train together, and Toph obliterates Korra.

Korra is discouraged, but Toph then tells her that there's still some bits of the metal poison inside her body. Toph says she can bend it out. But Korra is too tense and scared, and Toph is unable to do it. Toph suspects that maybe Korra is resisting getting better because she's afraid that once she's well again, she'll have to go back to being the Avatar, and she can be hurt again. Toph says that Korra is going to have to bend the metal out of herself. Toph can't help her if she's resistant.

My only real complaint is that Kuvira's takeover could have been a bit more... impressive. She just stands up and makes a speech, and a small crowd of people sit there silently and just sort of let her. It felt a tad too easy. Maybe it would have been better if her speech had been cut short by Tenzin et. al., or if more people had been there and had reacted to the news with a bit more panic and/or excitement.

I loved everything else, though. The stuff with Wu and Mako was surprisingly enjoyable. I actually felt bad for Wu, even after all the annoying behavior. This kid has been sheltered and pampered his whole life - he didn't know what to expect when he finally had to have responsibilities in the real world. Mako gave him a talking-to, and I wouldn't be surprised if maybe Wu starts to learn and take on some real responsibility, now that he knows things won't just be handed to him.

Mako and Bolin's relationship got some screen time, which almost never happens! I was happy to see them reunite, and of course now we've got this delicious tension going on between them, as Mako sticks with Wu, and Bolin sticks with Kuvira.

The complexities of this political situation are really amazing. Kuvira is obviously not a good person for taking over like that, but she's right to say she's a more competent leader than Wu... I love the fact that we aren't getting clear-cut answers here. Kuvira is dangerous, that's for sure, but what's the alternative?

Varrick is coming back into the story good and proper now, as he works with Kuvira on some sort of sinister project. Is he using Spirits to create energy? Because that would be sooo evil! I can't wait to see where this is going.

A few other little details: Desna and Eska made an appearance! Eska was hilarious as always. I liked the conversation between Suyin and Kuvira a lot. Another side to this complicated issue... if you can help people, you should, right? But you also shouldn't just grab power for yourself just because you can.

Then of course there's Korra and Toph. Toph was amazing! She was the same character we've all grown to love so much in Avatar: The Last Airbender, only now she's old and slightly grumpier. I loved her delight at besting Korra in a fight, and I loved the creativity of Toph's bending. She is such a master. And her excuse for leaving everything behind was interesting, too... she says that the tree roots here in the swamp stretch out over the whole world, and that she can still "see" her daughters, even out here. But yet, she still left them... I feel like we're still missing some information here.

The revelation that Korra still has poison in her is a bit strange. You would think that Katara, a master healer, would have sensed that after all that time spent with Korra... but in any case, I love the fact that Toph is unable to help Korra until she's ready to help herself. It might be a cliche thing to say, but it worked so well here. Korra is still really depressed and messed up over what happened with Zaheer - it makes sense that she might be afraid of truly getting better, because then she could just get hurt again.

I'll leave off here. Everything that's been happening so far this season has me so pumped. I cannot wait to see how it all turns out!


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