November 28, 2013

The Walking Dead: Dead Weight (4x07)

Another Governor based episode, and therefore another episode that I didn't enjoy. I don't really think this is the show's fault, entirely... the episode was still well acted, the story was good for the most part... but we left our prison group in such a precarious place that I just want to know what's going on there, instead of focusing on a character that really only works as a villain, not as a focus.

Basically, in this one the Governor, Meghan, Lilly, and Tara are taken in by Martinez and his group. Everyone sort of settles in, as Lilly acts as a nurse for hurt people in the camp, and Tara finds herself a girlfriend, Alisha. The Governor, however, doesn't think the camp is safe, and doesn't want any reminders of his old life. He kills Martinez and then later Pete. The Governor takes control of the group. An incident with a Walker nearly costs Meghan her life, but the Governor manages to stop it in time. The Governor then takes a car and drives to the prison. He sees Carl and Rick gardening, and then sees Michonne and Hershel outside of the gates. Seeing Michonne reminds the Governor of some rather unpleasant stuff, and the episode ends as he aims his gun at her.

That's a rather truncated summary of the episode, sorry about that. Honestly, when I think about it, this episode was actually a bit awkwardly paced. I think we're supposed to be getting into the Governor's disturbed mind, and they try to accomplish this by lingering for a long time on all the disturbing things that the Governor has done. And I get it, I do... we're seeing the Governor descend further and further in what he's willing to do to get what he wants, but it's all just a bit too... eh. I don't know. It couldn't keep my attention.

His relationship with the girl Meghan would be okay if it weren't so freakin' on the nose. We get it - he's replacing his daughter. At one point, he even says "I can't lose you again." I do like Meghan, though. I like all of these new characters, truthfully. Tara is funny, Lilly is maybe a bit bland but she seems genuine and sweet. The Governor, once again, was a perfectly menacing villain, but when all the focus is on him, it seems pretty obvious that he's rather one-note. He's a deranged maniac who lost his family and he went totally dark. There's really not all that much more you can do with that. We've seen it all.

Wow, this is distressingly short. I'm sorry about that, really, but I just didn't enjoy this episode very much. I'm not sure what could have made it better... maybe if the scenes with the Governor in the past two episodes had been interspersed with stuff at the prison? With such a long concentration of the Governor, I found my interest waning.


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