October 07, 2013

The Legend of Korra: Peacekeepers (2x05)

There were a lot of things about this episode that just felt too simplistic. I understand that it's a show geared towards a younger audience, but normally I expect things to be a bit more nuanced. That being said, there were still some good moments and interesting issues addressed.

Korra and the gang are back in Republic City, and things are tense. Members of the Southern and Northern Water Tribes are protesting in the streets. Mako is back on the beat as a police officer, and he sees some men setting the Southern Water Tribe's cultural center on fire. Korra automatically assumes that the Northern Water Tribe is responsible. Mako is not so sure.

Meanwhile, Varrick starts to work on propaganda against the North, and he uses Bolin as the star. This idea comes from a scene where Bolin gets a lot of popular support at a Pro Bending event, even though he doesn't say anything substantial. Varrick makes a joke about how this will make him a great public figure for the war.

Korra doesn't manage to get the president of Republic City (Raiko) on board to send troops, since he says the issue should be handled internally among the Water Tribe. So, Korra decides to go straight to General Iroh to ask for help. This is the part of the episode that I felt was too simplistic. Korra blindly believes the North is responsible for the attack in the city, and she doesn't listen at all to Mako's reasonable doubts. Then, she goes to Iroh and flat out asks him to lie to the President and attack the Northern troops. And here's where it gets annoying - Iroh agrees. Without even really giving it much thought, he decides that it's totally feasible for him to go South and "accidentally" confront the North.

This plan falls through, however. Why? Well, Bolin told Mako about Korra's idea, and Mako told the President. When Korra and Mako confront each other about this, Mako breaks up with Korra. Yay! Okay, that was horrible. Not yay. But honestly, their relationship was a dangerously static part of the show. Mako has been a way nicer guy this season than he was in the last one, but I still thought the buildup to their relationship was too quick and too easy. Now, they will inevitably have to wade through the treacherous aftermath of a bad breakup, and I simply think that this will make for more interesting television.

Before I talk about the ending, there was a brief subplot at the Air Temple, but it actually felt very out of place. Tenzin helps teach Meelo about how to train a lemur, and Meelo ends up being really good at it and training a whole bunch of them, which makes Tenzin fear he's created a monster. There were some cute father/son bits in here, I guess, but I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY KORRA HASN'T BOTHERED TO ALERT TENZIN ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON! Or, I don't know, apologize for the way she treated him when they were last together? Admitted she was wrong about Unalaq? I'm seriously craving a cute Korra and Tenzin reunion scene, and I hope it comes soon.

The episode ends on a very dramatic high note. Korra sets off toward the Fire Nation to ask for their support in the war, when suddenly Eska and Desna show up, sent by their father to capture the Avatar. However, before the twins can get her, an angry water spirit comes out of nowhere, and despite Korra's best Bending efforts, it swallows her!

Now, in an episode with a lot of rather weak elements, I've got to say that this was a darn good ending. I'm sincerely interested in what happens next.


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