April 17, 2013

Elementary: Snow Angels (1x19)

I really am enjoying this show. I'm going to write about it ridiculously briefly right now, but I do want to make sure I touch on this episode, because it had some great elements to it. 

The crime of the week was pretty bland, to tell the truth. The only really compelling part of it was Bell's role, which I really appreciated this week. He managed to figure out a lot of the crime on his own, and he was good at manipulating the suspect into what he wanted. Sherlock had a great quote after watching Bell pull it off: "Detective Bell once confided in me he played Sky Masterson in his high school production of Guys and Dolls. I had not until this moment imagined that he was any good! Stage's loss. New York City's gain, I suppose."

That was generally a high point of this week's episode - Sherlock was not the center of attention. Both Bell and Watson proved very adept at solving the case as well. Sherlock actually stopped mid-deduction at one point to give Watson a try, and she succeeded. It was very refreshing.

Another slightly interesting twist to this story was the storm and the subsequent technological blackout. It could have been a really compelling way to see how Sherlock functions without the help of all the modern tools of technology. A cool idea, but not enough was done with it.

The squabbling between Watson and Sherlock was really the high point of the episode. There was a nice development in just forty minutes of story - Sherlock was inconsiderate of roommate ettiquite, but by the end he had conceded to Joan's needs. There is a lot of give and take in their relationship and I really adore it. They had a lot of fun bantering moments this week. I also adore the fact that Sherlock has fully accepted her as his partner. Whenever they are talking about cases, he always uses "we" and "us" instead of "I" and "me." No matter what happens, Sherlock acknowledges that they are in it together. Precious!

The introduction of Miss Hudson this week was also really stellar. I've never seen her interpreted as a transgender woman before, and certainly not as such an intriguing character in general. Here's hoping we see a lot more of her in the future. Her relationships with Sherlock and with Joan werecaptivating.

I know this was a brief review, but the episode didn't warrent a lot of intense discussion. The case was rather bland and forgettable, but there were a lot of funny one-liners, and I'm excited about the strengthening bond between Joan and Sherlock, as well as the introduction of a new character from the canon.

Looking forward to next time!


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