May 12, 2023

Grey's Anatomy: Ready to Run (19x18)

Man, that patient death got to me.


The ADHD plot thread still seems pretty weak to me, very after-school special in the way it's being handled. I just wish there had been a more organic, less textbook path for Lucas to learn this about himself. Nick coming up to him after a patient has died to be like "because of your ADHD, you're going to feel this loss really hard" just felt like the epitome of inappropriate to me. Maybe I'm being sensitive because I would personally hate someone being so presumptuous with me about my mental health. I think Grey's is so great at raising awareness for all sorts of topics, and it's cool to have two main characters on the show with ADHD who can represent that perspective. Conceptually, I'm all for this. I just think the execution is very weak and feels very... rote, and unmotivated. Nick is still super boring so I don't care about his and Lucas's burgeoning mentor/mentee connection.

I actually think Jo and the patient with all the broken bones have cute vibes, and I thought it was interesting that she felt the need to confirm that Link was her "roommate" there at the end. But... I still find the Link/Jo romance plot just kind of tedious all around. I'm not looking forward to him being weird and jealous and hurting Jo's feelings, etc. It's already annoying to me.

And another note on Nick: his hemming and hawing about the Fox Award nomination just makes him more irritating to me. I can't believe we're going to get Meredith back for an episode and it's going to be all about Nick's hurt feelings. Yeesh. Get it together, Nick.


Ray's death hit hard. Despite not really connecting with the way they're doing the ADHD plot line, I did think Lucas had a strong week. He convinces a patient to get a surgery that might save his life, only for Ray to die of a ruptured aorta at the hospital. Ray was going to die either way, but the fact that they came so close to being able to help him only to lose him made his death all the more tragic. He had a feeling that he'd die before the age of thirty. Some part of him knew it. It was moving to see Lucas connect with this patient and really hear him about his concerns and his family and all the things he wanted to live for, and then convince him ultimately to get the surgery, which just made it all the more devastating that things didn't work out, and he had to make a tragic phone call to Ray's mother.

Also... he confesses his love to Simone! Gasp! It looks like she's still going through with the wedding, but we'll have to see if she backs out at the last second in true Grey's wedding drama fashion.

Meanwhile, Jules's roommate Max has continuing medical complications as, even as she's getting treatment for her UTI, she suddenly loses her balance and hits her head, causing a brain bleed. Poor Jules is trying to stay on her case, but Bailey puts her foot down as it becomes clear that Jules considers Max family. I like seeing Blue's feelings of tenderness and care for Jules grow, through watching her go through this difficult personal time. I root for them as a couple in the long run, as it seems that Blue is really willing to put in the work to be there for her. I also find Max's bond with Jules to be so sweet! She talks about how her own son is independent and lives far away, and he doesn't really need her anymore. Jules does, though. She needs the mothering and gentleness she didn't have as a kid.

Yasuda's plot thread is about screwing up her courage and making the first move on someone. Her friends tease her about being single after she says that she doesn't like to put herself out there in case of rejection, but eventually, after watching a patient shoot his shot with Jo, she decides to be brave. She goes up to Helm and asks her on a date to Simone's wedding.

But meanwhile, some more good news... Helm is officially coming back to the hospital, as co-chief-resident with Schmitt! Yay! I love what they did with this whole Helm plot thread, how they really stretched it out and took seriously the issues with the residency program and burnout and financial difficulties and all that. I loved that Helm broke the news that she'd gotten promoted to Schmitt's level, and Levi was nothing but excited about it. He rushes around the bar to scoop Helm up in a big hug, and I absolutely loved to see that.

It does cause issues for the Yasuda situation, as Helm is about to become her boss. But, as Helm points out, the wedding technically comes before Helm starts back up at work, so... looks like these two ladies are going on a date! I got an honest giddy smile on my face at this whole scene between them. Yasuda being so brave, and Helm being so quietly pleased. Who knows what the future holds, but I love the idea of these two getting to carve out some happiness for themselves in their busy lives!

And a couple small things: Teddy continues her streak of not pissing me off; maybe being Chief was what she needed all along. Her devastation at the loss of her patient was really moving to me. I like the quiet, efficient way she mentors the residents, too. She's got a lot on her plate but she still takes time to compliment Lucas on his nice work in convincing Ray to get the surgery. Richard is excited about the Catherine Fox award nominations, and frustrated that Nick doesn't want to go to the ceremony, explaining how much it means for the program, and for his wife. Winston is also having mixed feelings because it means sharing the award and the spotlight with Maggie. I'm kind of not interested in Nick and Winston angsting about their failed relationships, but I am sort of excited to see the Catherine Fox award ceremony. (Bailey griping about all her insane medical innovations not getting a nomination was pretty funny. It does seem rather arbitrary.)

And that's that! I can't believe we're already at finale time. I'm having a good time with the new intern characters, they really added new life into the show. I'm excited to continue on with them!


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