February 27, 2023

Bob's Burgers: Stop! Or My Mom Will Sleuth! (13x13)

This was a cute one! I love when the family all gets in on shenanigans.


Teddy's subplots have never been my favorite part of the show. I liked Bob sneaking around trying to gather intel about the Louise situation, but his scenes with Teddy working on a new business card were just okay. Even the song felt a little low-effort and energy. Not anything wrong with this plot, but nothing I'm really going to remember, either.


I love when this show reminds us how much this family just straight-up likes each other. Louise and Linda had the bulk of the screen-time here, but I loved that Tina and Gene were both so happy to have their mom at school, planning ways to "secretly" wave hello to her, and saving her a seat at the lunch table. I get that it's a common experience for kids, especially someone Tina's age, to start being embarrassed by their parents, but it's nice to see an example on TV where for the most part that's not the case. None of the Belcher children are annoyed or worried about Linda being around. Even Louise is happy to jump in on conspiring in order to clear her name.

One of my favorite moments was Linda and Bob on the phone, anxiously worrying about Louise's probable guilt, and how to either clear her name, or cover up for her terrible crime of stealing a toy from another kid. This family is hilariously ride or die for each other, and it's pretty fun to see. I love how everything contributed to the belief that Louise was guilty, until we learn that it was an office admin who had stolen the toy after inadvertently breaking it.

The credits song from Tina and Gene about waving to their mom at school really made me smile, and I thought was a funnier, more creative musical number than Bob and Teddy's earlier bit about the business cards!

And that's that for now! A solid, fun episode of one of the most solid, fun shows on my regular viewing docket.


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