January 29, 2015

Suits: Enough is Enough (4x11)

Wow. Louis you are such a jerk. Some of this stuff was pretty dramatic and horrible on his part. There's actually quite a lot going on in this episode. I'm going to try and get all the details in.

Jessica calls Harvey back to the firm late at night, where Louis triumphantly declares that he is now name partner. Jessica tells Louis not to tell everybody right away - she needs to find a way to sell it to the other senior partners. However, Louis goes ahead and blabs it to Katrina, who is excited to come and work for Louis again. He also tells Robert Zane. Zane tells Harvey that he still owes him a favor, even though he didn't hire Louis. Why? Well, Robert Zane knows something fishy is going on, since Louis got hired back after quitting in disgrace. He'll blab that something isn't right, unless Harvey does him a favor.

What's the favor, you might ask? Zane needs Harvey to convince a competing law firm to back off. The lawyer on the case is Scottie. Harvey asks her for this favor, and tells her that if she doesn't back off, the truth about Mike Ross might come out. Scottie agrees to do it, but she's not happy.

Jeff Malone is also suspicious of Louis' new status. He tells Jessica that he wants the truth. After some stalling, Jessica tells Jeff something to get him off her back. She says that Louis found out that Jessica had covered up Daniel Hardman's fraudulent actions, and that Louis used it as leverage to become name partner. Jeff buys the story, and tells Jessica that he'll keep her secret.
Louis is utterly intolerable as name partner - he is cruel to Jessica, Harvey, and especially Mike. He gives Mike all sorts of busy work, and then starts attacking Rachel personally when Rachel tries to help Mike. Mike is furious, and Harvey sees how upset he is and decides that enough is enough. Harvey and Mike go to yell at Louis, but Louis says that if Mike doesn't "break" and quit, then Louis will just fire him. Harvey says that Louis can't do that - and it turns out Harvey is quite right: Jessica enters with the solution.

She forces Louis to sign his partnership agreement, which includes a statement that makes him culpable in the hiring of a fraud. Since he used Mike's secret as leverage, he is now part of the responsibility. Louis signs it, and then they all go to attend Louis' ceremony. (He demanded a little party in honor of being made name partner).

While all of this is going on, Donna is trying to convince Louis not to throw their friendship away. Louis says he's completely done with all of them, but Donna warns Louis that someday, he's going to need someone.

Rachel goes to her dad and convinces him to hire Katrina to his law firm, so it looks like even though Louis no longer has the power to hire her back, she will still be okay.

I think that's the gist of it. Complaints?

I still don't like Jeff Malone. He sucks. He's boring and he's not good enough for Jessica, and I hate how he always acts like he's entitled to more information than everyone else because he's in a relationship with Jessica. The worst part of it is that Jessica seems to agree that he deserves these things. Why? Jessica is a professional woman. She should not be making special allowances for the man she's in a relationship with. Ugh. Jeff is the worst.

The only other moment that I felt was sort of weak was that last scene between Rachel and her father. It felt sort of forced. Why did Rachel suddenly take up Katrina's cause? Why was she so fierce, and why was Robert messing with her? The scene almost felt like the wrap-up to a subplot that didn't exist. It wasn't anything horrible, but it was a little out of nowhere.

Other than that, this episode delivered everything I could have hoped for after such a long hiatus.

Rick Hoffman killed it again. He's a fantastic actor, and he was just so... so... Louis, you know? Such a jerk, but underneath it you know that he's just feeling betrayed. Jessica was right when she pointed out how badly Louis has always wanted approval from Harvey. I'm so mad at Louis for what he said to Rachel, and for how he treated Mike, but at the same time I do understand where he's coming from. That's the making of a great character.

Donna was so upset during this episode. I just wanted to give her a big, giant hug. Harvey was so good to her when he told her that none of this was her fault. I really don't understand why Louis would ask if the two of them ever had sex, though. That was such an out-of-nowhere question, and truthfully it kind of pissed me off. What right does Louis have? But Donna handled it with as much poise as possible. She's such a bad ass.

Really, though, the bad ass award of the night goes to Jessica Pearson. Barring her annoying scenes with Jeff, everything she did in this episode was flawless. She handled Louis like a pro, and she came out with a save at the end when it didn't look like anybody could. I think my favorite Jessica moment was actually her scene with Mike, though. Mike yelled at her, reminding her that she's been a part of his "dirty little secret" for quite some time now, and that she might want to start taking some responsibility for the consequences. Jessica knows when she's been beaten, and she later does admit to Harvey that she needs to take some of the blame. She's such a queen. Love her.

Rachel didn't have much of her own plot this episode (I'm still confused about that moment in the end with her father, about Katrina...). Even so, I liked what we did see of her. She's strong, so even when Louis made her cry, she still kept soldiering on. I liked how Mike wanted to protect her, but they didn't do any over-the-top macho-man protects his woman stuff with it. Also, Mike saying that he loved her because of her strength was a nice touch.

I've saved the bromance for the end, because as you all know, it's my favorite. There was nothing terribly bromance-y about this episode unfortunately, but we did get a couple of great things. Mike showing up to Harvey's apartment was fantastic. I love how Mike feels comfortable enough to just show up there whenever he feels like it. Also, Harvey was willing to lay low and let Louis walk all over him, but the second he heard that Louis was targeting Rachel, and he saw how upset Mike was, Harvey decided he had had enough. I loved the angry march to Louis' office, and the fact that Harvey demanded Louis stop taking out his anger on Mike. So cute! Here's hoping for much more bromance to come.

In all, I was pretty happy with this mid-season premiere. I'm sad we only have five more episodes before we have to go on hiatus again, but I'm hoping we get lots of good stuff coming up!


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