November 26, 2024

What We Do in the Shadows: P.I. Undercover: New York (6x08)

This was a very funny one!


There's a structural weirdness this season. A-plot stuff was set up early on and then nothing has come of it since. I think I'm noticing it as an issue more because this is the final season, so it feels like if we're building to something, we should make sure we have the time to fully explore it. So the stuff with their old roommate who's back from his nap and working with the Guide, it just feels odd that we spend so little time exploring that. And subplots like Lazlo's reanimated corpse seem to have stalled out as well. We'll see where it's all going, I'm just looking at the number of episodes we have left and feeling a little anxious...


I really liked both of the plots this week! To start, seeing Nadja and Colin as a dynamic duo was pretty fun. The concept of there being a woman who is just super, super into Colin Robinson is automatically hilarious, and for it to be Nadja who picks up on it and tries to explain it to Colin... I loved Nadja's skepticism about the situation, but then she's trying to work out the best way to handle it, encouraging Colin to just fuck this guy's wife, because what's the big deal? Watching Colin and Nadja touch tongues was disturbing in the most hilarious way, too.

And then in the other plot: I love Nandor and Lazlo egging each other on with their paranoia, it's always a joy. And I also love when Guillermo gets to be his peak dorky self, so this plot thread was designed to bring a smile to my face! It was so perfect that Guillermo was a big fan of this procedural cop show, it feels somehow out of character and exactly right, all at the same time. Guillermo spends the episode just kind of lurking around hoping for a chance to talk to the lead actor from the show, but not really getting anywhere. Meanwhile, the vamps are convinced that the film crew is an army attacking their home. It's only as they get sucked into the production that they give up on their plan of defeating them. Nandor becomes an assistant PA and Lazlo is jealous of his "sweated shirt," which leads to much squabbling.

Obviously, my favorite part of this whole plot thread is the very final beat of it, where Guillermo is rejected by the actor who refuses to take a picture or sign Guillermo's zine, and then his vampire friends get up in the guy's face and demand that he give Guillermo what he's asking for. When that doesn't work, both vampires give up their swag from set to Guillermo, so he gets Nandor's sweatshirt and Lazlo's hat, and he clutches them to his chest, grinning happily. I love when these characters, ordinarily so hilariously over-the-top selfish, actually show up to support each other with their silly wants and needs. It's so cute to see them do a small nice thing for Guillermo!


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