September 03, 2021

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Game of Boyles (8x07)

That was a solid installment, I will say. Probably because it stayed away from the precinct and police work and didn't make me think about all the messy ways this season has tried to grapple with serious issues.


The fact that Jake is on suspension barely seems to register in this episode. He has a moment where he's too caught up in Charles' family drama because he misses being on the job, but other than that brief mention, this episode doesn't feel any different than any other. I want consequences to matter on this show.

I really don't understand including this late game... twist? I guess? That Charles is the product of an affair and thus not a "real" Boyle? It's the kind of thing that a better show would contemplate as an actual psychological factor in Charles' life, but here it's introduced and doesn't matter by the end of the episode. Just kind of clunky.


I liked the whole Boyle plot line, though. All the Knives Out references, and the way the stakes could not be any lower. The reason the deceased patriarch and his son were arguing? Because the son missed a seven-hour-long Boyle family Zoom call. The culprit of the "murder"? Accidental ingestion of rat poison. The will? Hidden by one of the Boyle cousins who was jealous of Charles' place of pride within the family.

And then there's the yeast starter that reveals Charles as the One True Boyle, despite his revelation about his true parentage. I did find that fun. The Boyles are an over the top, cartoonish family, but Charles has always been a cartoonish character on the show, and the vibe fits pretty dang well, and sometimes makes me smile.

The other plot involves Rosa and Amy helping Holt reconcile with Kevin. They sign him up for a dating app to make Kevin jealous, or rather so that Holt will see how bad the other options out there are. Holt pretends to be getting along with his online date, only to reveal he was just proving a point to the girls about meddling in his life. It all works out when Kevin learns of Holt's online dating profile and runs to him in the rain, asking if he's too late, and the two share a reconciliation and a dramatic kiss.

I'll admit... I loved all of this. Amy and Rosa meddling, Holt's disdain over a perfectly nice guy... I loved the moment where his date brought up The Queen's Gambit and Holt was just like... shut up. Super funny.

And then the drama of Kevin running to Holt in the rain! It was equal parts funny and actually touching. I liked Amy and Rosa realizing it's kind of weird to stand there and watch your friends kiss.

This was a cute one. On to the next!


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