April 28, 2021

The Handmaid's Tale: Pigs (4x01)

Well, we're back! I'm going to do three short reviews, one for each episode that dropped, instead of trying to cover everything at once. I haven't seen episodes 2 and 3 yet, so I'll be judging this as a stand-alone.


I honestly thought that June calling Esther "Banana" at the end was a bit confusing. For one wild moment I thought they were implying that June that Esther was Hannah or something? It's just weird since the nickname "Banana" goes with "Hannah" specifically. I get the implication, but it was kind of odd the way they went about it, ending the episode on that note.

I'm sure we'll get this in the coming two episodes or as the season progresses, but I kept waiting for someone to explain why they were staying there and not continuing to flee to Canada. Is it just for June to recuperate? Will they be on the road now?

And here's the big one: I see what they're doing with regards to June becoming this cult-leader-type figure, a counterpoint to all the big personalities of Gilead. She is Mayday. Okay, fine. But I wish there was more in this episode that showcased that not everyone buys into that. Why do the other people who escaped with her just go along blindly when she says that this man should be killed, or when she makes other big decisions? She's the leader, okay, I get it. But what does that actually mean? I don't want June to have too much protagonist syndrome, where she's important because she's the main character and not the other way around.


The glimpse of the Waterfords in this episode really intrigued me. The two of them having that moment where they seemed... regretful? Over the idea of June being captured and killed? It's so interesting. And the simmering hatred between the two of them, even as they try and remain civil and figure out their next move. Super excited to see what happens to these two.

We also see Commander Lawrence, and... Nick! It's so cool to see Nick, can't wait to see where things go with these characters as well. Commander Lawrence has apparently avoided consequences for his role in events, and indeed Nick has even gotten permission to have him advise the others on what to do about the children who escaped to Canada. Lawrence understands that this might be an opportunity to build some bridges between the two governments. If Gilead tries to get the children back... there will be war. Dun dun dunnn.

We also see Aunt Lydia has been spared, and she's continuing to blame June for the actions of the other Handmaids who were involved in the mass escape. This woman just will not stop. Also really intrigued as to where she's going.

Despite my qualms about a few things in the main story, there were a lot of really chilling, excellent moments with June and the other would-be escapees. Like Janine forced to eat Mr. Darcy the pig, at Esther's cruel insistence. Like June talking to Esther and learning the truth of what had happened to this literal fourteen-year-old. The moment when old Commander Keyes can't remember Esther's name, and confesses to fearing her, and June just says "you should." And June addressing the other women as "girls" and parroting Aunt Lydia's words before unleashing Esther on one of her rapists? Yikes! This show doesn't really do subtle, but it does in-your-face good enough that it usually manages to work.

Okay, onwards to episode two!


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