December 23, 2013

Parenthood: All That's Left is the Hugging (5x10)

This is our last episode of Parenthood before the winter hiatus, and mostly I just… ugh… I just don’t know what to think. I really do want to enjoy this episode, since we’re finally past the whole Kristina-for-Mayor plot. Except for that’s the problem. We’re not past it. Let’s take a look at these plots.

Kristina says she’s fine in the aftermath of the lost election, but Heather and Adam both continually assure her it’s okay for her to be angry. Kristina doesn't listen at first, but then Adam convinces her to blow off some steam by throwing eggs at a billboard of Bob Little. I really disliked this part of the episode. It pisses me off that we’re dragging this plot out so much. I really liked the idea of her lost election being a moral victory and I actually wanted Kristina to be okay with it and move on. I don’t think Adam was doing the right thing by encouraging her to be angry and to randomly commit vandalism. The only think I’ll miss about the mayor plot is Heather, who I really enjoyed as a character.

Now let’s move to the other plot I’m not too thrilled about. Sarah and Carl, her annoying tenant, have had sex. I mean yeah, I’m not even a little bit surprised, but I am a little bit annoyed. Poor Sarah has had no meaningful plot this season. Basically, the show seems determined to shuffle her around between one bad boyfriend to the next. I really like Hank, don’t get me wrong, but ultimately all of Sarah’s failed romances are starting to wear on my patience. I want to focus on Sarah’s burgeoning photography career, or on something new and important. If Sarah is relegated to just a constantly failing romance plot, I’ll be really upset. Give Lauren Graham more to do! Oddly, I think the strongest part of this thread is actually Carl, who I find to be oddly charming in a loser-ish sort of way. He and Sarah have an awkward chemistry that’s enjoyable to watch. If they want to expand his character and do something unique with the relationship, I’d be okay with it. It just really doesn't seem like that’s what they're doing. Time will tell.

Drew’s plot was… gosh, again I’m not quite sure what to think. I like spending more time with Drew. He’s an interesting character, and his awkward exploration of school is pretty fun to watch. That being said, I wish we got to see him actually go to college. Like, classes. I enjoyed the stuff with Amber in earlier seasons where she struggled with school and tried to decide where to go to college. All of that stuff was a very real look at the experience of a student. But I’m getting off track. Instead of that, we get more Drew girl trouble. He’s confused about Natalie, who really just wants a casual relationship. When he brings up the fact that he needs rules for their booty calls, Natalie ends the sexual aspect of their relationship and says she wants to go back to just being friends. Drew isn't sure how to feel about this. At the very end of the episode, a knock on the door reveals Amy, Drew’s old girlfriend from high school, standing on the other side of the door.

I like the idea of showing a girl who’s interested in casual hookups, and a guy who wants a more serious relationship. That’s not something you see being portrayed very often, and I appreciate it. But honestly, love triangles are almost impossible to do a good job with, and I’m worried we’re in for some trite, clichéd stuff coming up. I’m not willing to dismiss this plot line entirely, of course, because I do think it has potential. However, they are edging into dangerous territory, and I’ll be watching closely to see what happens.

The strongest plot of the night was the one that again allowed Mae Whitman to show off her acting skills. Amber and Ryan are trying to work through their relationship, since Amber is very upset about what happened, and the band's drummer is actually so injured that he can't play. Crosby and Adam tell Amber that Ryan can’t even come around the Luncheonette. After a conversation with Zeek, Ryan decides that the civilian life isn't for him. He re-enlists, leaving Amber completely heartbroken. Amber tells her mom about what’s been happening, and this thread ends with Amber going to Sarah, completely devastated.

Yeah, it’s always wonderful when Mae Whitman cries. I know that sounds mean, but she’s just so good at it! In particular, I loved the conversation between Sarah and Amber. Sarah told Amber that she would support her no matter what, but admitted that as a mother she wants something better for her daughter. This speech was such a good way to finish up the mother/daughter plot centered around all of the Ryan drama. Whereas before they were argumentative, now we see Sarah willing to support Amber no matter what, and Amber willing to listen to her mother’s concerns. I have to say I’m glad that Ryan and Amber aren't getting married, but I also wonder about the purpose of that entire plot line. Did it really advance Amber’s character? Does she come out the other side of this a changed person? It will be interesting to see how Ryan’s actions affect Amber moving forward. Ultimately it's the great acting that made this section so intense to watch.

And I've saved Julia and Joel for last. Nooooo. I was so furious about this. I feel like I can't support Julia at all anymore. Whereas before Julia and Joel had both made some bad mistakes but they were both trying, now it seems like the show is making Julia the villain and making Joel the victim. Since Julia is our point of view character for this part of the story, I'm a little uncomfortable about this dark place she’s going to. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Oh, I should probably say what happens, huh? Julia tells Joel that they have to work on fixing their relationship, and Joel agrees to try. Joel starts making an effort, staying home from work to make food for the family, etc. Julia discovers that Ed and his wife are getting a divorce. Julia goes over to talk to Ed and tells him to stop texting her. She ends up hugging him, telling him she’s sorry about his divorce. Then, they kiss. Ugh! No! Julia! Why!

Julia has always been one of the characters on this show I really identified with. Out of all the siblings, she’s the most like me. Highly motivated, smart, but often times afraid to be communicative and uncertain how to handle conflict with loved ones. To see her make the wrong choices like this is… well, it’s really difficult for me, actually. Beyond my personal feelings, I think from a storytelling point of view they may be going a bit far. At this point there’s no turning back – Joel’s going to find out, and stuff is going to get really bad. Why are they pushing one of their protagonists into such a corner? I’d love to see a smart and original way to get out of this mess, but thus far I’m not confident that they can pull it off.

So, there you have it. Really the only totally strong plot was Amber and Ryan’s. There was a lot going on that I’m not a fan of. Acting across the board was great, as always, but I do have some real worries as we move forward. And where was Max in this episode? He’s one of the most interesting things about this show!


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