December 26, 2013

Grey's Anatomy: Get Up, Stand Up (10x12)

I am sighing and rolling my eyes. Just... ugh. Really? No. I'm not... I don't know what... to... do... about this. Siiiiiigh. Let's dive in to the plot, shall we? This should be fun.

So, April's wedding has arrived. Let's go through these different plots and then I'll explain why I'm so eye-roll-y about it all.

First of all we've got Derek, who is working with Callie on the brain patient. However, he is being courted by the US government to come work on their brain mapping program. Derek declines these federal scientists, stating that he has too much on his plate as it is. In particular, Derek had promised Meredith to pull back at work so she could do her research. In the end, at April's wedding, Derek gets a call from the President of the United States.

So... that's stupid. Sorry, but what? Really? The President wants Derek specifically? I think this is a case of the show going too large in scale. I was completely brought out of the reality of this show when presidential phone calls started coming in.

Alex's dad is still at the hospital, and Alex tries to have a cordial conversation with him. Things go wrong when James starts talking bad about Alex's mother. Alex angrily points out that he was the one who had to take care of his mother, and he was the one who had to raise his siblings. James therefore has no right to talk bad about the rest of the family. Although Alex's temper does go a bit crazy, he later comes back in, calms down, and tells James that he did the right thing by leaving their family. They shake hands, and Alex leaves. I enjoyed this plot for the most part, because it allowed some good closure on Alex's side of events. I hope we're done with this James stuff for good, though... as I keep saying, I'd love to focus on Jo and Alex's relationship, because we still haven't gotten a chance to see much of it.

Meredith and Christina are still at odds, and everything is made even worse by all of the attention Christina is getting from her successful surgery. Christina admits that she's not sure why the surgery worked, and that she feels like all of this positive attention is undeserved. The two of them argue some more, but they actually sort out their drama right before April's wedding. Meredith admits she's jealous of Christina, and Christina admits that Meredith is a good doctor and a good mother. Their reconciliation is cut a bit short by April's angry demands that everyone stop it with their drama and start making her feel special on her wedding day.

I admit to some confusion about the Meredith/Christina plot at this point. Is that it? Was that the big reconciliation between them? I feel a little bit let down, because their fight has been such an interesting development, but it doesn't seem to have had any consequences. At the most, it seems as if the two women have acknowledged that they've grown apart, and that it's okay. It's sad, certainly. But what does it mean for the rest of this season? I will admit though that I loved April's exploding at them - it's supposed to be her day, dammit!

Bailey finally comes out and tells Ben that she's not happy about his decision to quit medical school, and in fact she tries to blame her increased OCD behavior on his decision. Luckily for Bailey, however, her medication is working and she's back in the OR. Webber is also back for surgery, which was really lucky because of what happened with Shane: I don't feel like going into a ton of detail, but basically he goes crazy when working on a patient and nearly kills someone. It seems that he hasn't been sleeping or taking enough time off from work, and that the ghost of Brooks is still haunting his ability to do his job. Luckily, the other interns get to Webber before the patient dies and Shane leaves the OR. This plot was really intense and very well acted, but at the same time I couldn't help but have questions about the buildup. I had no idea that Shane was acting all crazy and intense because of Brooks. That could have been set up much better. Maybe I'm being picky.

Callie is all happy about the newest success in her research with Derek, but Arizona is less than ecstatic. She admits tearfully to April that the reason she cheated on Callie was that she had found someone who never knew her before she lost her leg, and was still interested in her. She's afraid Callie loves the way she used to be and is just trying to fix her. April is kind, but she's also disgruntled that everyone else's drama is happening on her wedding day.

And speaking of the wedding... ugh. This is where my anger and disbelief comes in. Just as April and Matthew are about to get married, Jackson stands up, first apologizing to Stephanie for what he's about to do. He then declares that he loves April. Noooo. I don't know what I expected to happen, but I get so annoyed with these stupid love triangle plots. And this one actually has four people involved. Now Stephanie and Jackson will break up, which is a shame because I liked their relationship. And now are April and Jackson going to get together? It seemed like they were pushing us away from that conclusion! What the hell, guys!

So, since the Jackson and April plot was the main focus on the episode, I can't exactly say I enjoyed this one. A lot of the subplots were just fine, but... ugh. I guess I'll try and give them the benefit of the doubt that they have a plan, but I'm not sure what that plan might be.


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