June 07, 2013

Castle: Watershed (5x24)

Usually, I really like my finales to be big and epic. They need to be a culmination of sorts, not just more of the same. And that, in a sense, was one of the things that this episode failed to deliver. The case was like any other case on a procedural cop show. As far as generic cases go, this one did okay. It was about a hacker who abandoned her life at a prestigious school and posed as a prostitute as she hunted for the truth behind her best friend's death.

The only real problem with the case was that it got a bit convoluted. It tried to be so epic in the beginning, and then the climax of all of it sort of fell flat. But I found the back story of the dead girl - Erica - pretty interesting, and I thought the premise itself was decently creative.

There was a bit of a distracting subplot with Alexis and Castle that I actually thought was harmful to the episode overall. Apparently she is going on a trip to Costa Rica, but Castle doesn't write the check right away. He is worried about her, and feeling overprotective because of what happened with her kidnapping and all that.

It sounds like it would be a good plot line, but it was underused and seemed to clash with the rest of the episode. Castle and Beckett's relationship was really the focus here, as it should be, so throwing Alexis in here after totally ignoring her in the past few episodes... it felt very forced. I love Alexis, and I always like seeing more of her, but by the end of the episode Castle had written the check and the whole thing didn't have any more to it than that. Sort of a wasted opportunity.

I have to mention my absolutely favorite moment from the whole episode before I talk about the most important plot thread. Ryan and Esposito are busy working on the case when they start to discuss the fact that Beckett has been acting weird. Ryan suggests that maybe she's pregnant, and Javi freaks out, apparently horrified at the very suggestion. Ryan, a small smile on his face, replies: "Try to get over it before Jenny tells you the news, okay?" Javi gets so excited, saying: "What?! Are you serious? Wow! Congratulations, man, that's great!" He looks so happy, and my heart always melts when their bromance is showcased.

And then we must talk about Beckett and Castle. Even though the case of the week wasn't very epic or connected to any larger thread, the relationship part sort of was. We've been getting a lot of talk lately from Beckett about how she doesn't know where her and Castle are going, and how it worries her. And then, in the last episode, this incredible job opportunity lands in her lap. In this episode, we see her actually interview for the position and then get the job. I like that the episode focused on their relationship, and I saw what they were trying to do with connecting it to this overall theme of the uncertainty of their relationship.

But... on the other hand, the whole first four seasons of this show were about the uncertainty of their relationship. Are you honestly telling me that Beckett doesn't know how much Castle loves her? Because, come on. She'd have to be blind. I'm really proud of her for getting this job, but even that plot line felt tired and overused. We'll see what they make of it in the future.

Castle's reaction to Beckett's deceit was great, though. I love that even though he loves her, he's still one of the only people who will call her out on her crap. He's pissed that she would lie to him, and it was refreshing to see him get straight to the point. After a talk with his mother, however, he realizes that he wants more than what he has with Beckett right now. In a conversation that sounds suspiciously like a breakup, he ends up proposing to Beckett, ending the season on a cliffhanger.

What do I think of this? Well, yay! I want them to get married. However, I'm not really looking forward to all the angst and hesitation and drawn-out drama that will certainly come at the start of the next season.

So, overall, I think my impression of this episode is tainted by the way it fits in to a larger whole. When watching television, that's sort of an important thing to have in mind, but I suppose I should be fair to this episode on its own. It's okay. Maybe not worthy of a finale, though. Even if the relationship drama between Castle and Beckett feels a bit forced, it's still a necessary direction for the show to be taking.

In all honesty, I'm not anxiously awaiting Season Six or anything. I'll probably keep watching this show because I do have a certain amount of loyalty to the characters, but I really hope that things pick up and we get a more satisfying season than this one was.


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