September 09, 2024

Bob's Burgers: The Big Stieblitzki (14x14)

A cute episode! It's nice to be back with these characters.


Can't really think of anything to complain about... I guess the chaos level with the adults bowling was pretty low, I would have liked to see more from that. It feels like even more bowling shenanigans might have been possible.


I really love Rudy episodes, and I love when Louise gets time to shine as a good person always looking to help others out, albeit in a chaotic and crazy way. She wants to cause maximum mayhem, but when she gets additional information about the relationship dynamic between Rudy's divorced parents, and the new guy his mom is dating, she does everything she can to put a stop to it for the good of all. That's our Louise!

I loved that Tina was the one deputized to try and get Rudy's dad a girlfriend. It was so funny to see her awkward conversation, and even funnier that by the end of the night, it seems that maybe she was partially successful? She at least opened this woman's eyes to the possibilities. Tina stumbling into unwitting success always makes me chuckle.

This show's good vibes means that I'm never worried that real serious conflict will cause issues or stress, so I liked that Bob not remembering Linda's first "I love you" wasn't something that plagued the episode in any real way. Bob was anxious about remembering, but Linda was totally chill that he didn't. In the end, the story involved bird poop and was the quintessential not-really-romantic but still sweet story you'd expect from the Belchers.

The moment where Rudy's mom called Rudy's dad out on letting her boyfriend win at bowling was honestly really sweet? I like that the two of them are portrayed as mature and friendly. Sure, there might be some awkwardness here, but there isn't a ton of angst. As Louise correctly points out, it's actually Rudy having a hard time right now, not his dad. And that's okay too, they'll help him to get through it!

The bowling employee who has a vendetta against her dad's girlfriend was also really funny. I love how fully chaotic she was willing to get right away. The crack about child labor made me chuckle, and the mean gif she sent to this innocent and kind woman was pretty perfect.

So yeah, that's all I've got. Fun to be back, this is a weird schedule for the show because I think there's one more season fourteen episode and then we're jumping straight into fifteen. Not sure how that works on the back end, but I know they had delays and issues because of the strikes!


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