March 11, 2024

Bob's Burgers: Jade in the Shade (14x12)

This one was really cute! You know I love a good Louise-centric episode.


I was wishing for a little bit more of a punchline with Cynthia and Logan being there. It was sort of funny to have them follow Linda and Louise, but the conclusion had nothing to do with them, just saw them fooled by Louise once and then sitting around eating raisins. I felt like there could have been more punch there, like maybe Logan realizes the deception and decides to go tell on Louise to Fischoeder, thus continuing their distaste for each other in future episodes due to the betrayal.


I really liked the subplot this week. It was simple, with Bob, Tina, Gene, and Teddy all just hanging around the diner as spectators for the most part, but sometimes I like when the characters just get to hang out without driving the story a ton, if that makes sense. It makes the environments of this show feel more lived in, like this diner really exists out there and if you wander in, you'll see these characters hanging out.

I loved the various shows done by the performers, and that all of them were legitimately impressive and cool in different ways. The punchline here isn't just about the gross weirdo having the best show after all, it's in the kind spirit he displays, where they all decide to split the spot on the pier instead of declaring a winner. It makes the Belchers even less necessary to the story, as they were able to work it out among themselves, which is even funnier.

The main plot features a combination of some of my favorite elements of the show: Louise getting enthusiastic about something strange and off the beaten path, Linda desperate to form a good connection with her youngest daughter, and wacky town history and shenanigans. We learn of a famous smuggler whose final treasure was never discovered, and Louise is off to the races to find the missing jellyfish. Linda goes along with her in order to bond with her daughter, not because she really believes in it.

One of my favorite things about Louise as a character is those moments when we see that she really is still just a little kid. Her disappointment at discovering that her mom didn't really believe in their quest was very believable for a child of her age. But I also like how time and time again, the Belcher adults find ways to talk to their kids like full human beings with their own perspectives and worth. Linda decides to keep going based on Louise's belief, trusting in her daughter and wanting to give her the chance to prove herself. And Louise is right! The jellyfish really is there to be found, although of course in the episode tag, we learn that it's worthless.

This was a fun episode, and I'm glad to see this show back after a pause!


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