February 20, 2020

Modern Family: Spuds (11x14)

Did I just watch a clip show in the year 2020?


I did! This was a clip show! I didn't strictly hate the inclusion of old footage, and luckily they didn't go over the top, but still... there were moments when the clip segments stretched just to the point where I felt like rolling my eyes.

While this was a strong episode, I'll admit I was genuinely disappointed, from a story-telling standpoint, that Cam didn't get the coaching job. This show could have used a real status-quo shifter, and the idea of ending on Cam, Mitchell and Lily moving away would have added some real stakes to the series finale. Sure, it looks like Cam and Mitchell might be bringing a different sort of status quo shift into their lives by adopting another child, but think about it - Haley and Dylan just had twins, and they're off in a corner most of the time, doing nothing. I just wish I thought this show, a show that used to be so daring and innovative in certain ways, could actually take a chance and do something big at the end.


That said, I did like the fact that Mitchell tried to shield Cam from the bad news. Cam of course thinks that Mitchell is chickening out about moving, but once he realizes, he's somewhat grateful that Mitchell was attempting to protect him. And despite wishing things had gone down differently, I do like the idea of them becoming fathers again, especially after such a specific and fun moment of Lily going on her first real date.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family have their own shit going on. This is one of those great set-ups for an episode, where all of the plot threads are separate but end up converging as the family coincidentally ends up at the same restaurant, a place they've all been going for years but that is closing down soon. Because of the restaurant closing, the theme of the episode is nostalgia, which is exactly the kind of thing a show in its final season after over a decade on the air should be exploring.

Haley and Dylan are worried they've traumatized their babies by accidentally letting them watch a slasher movie, but Claire and Phil reassure them that they're always going to worry about screwing their kids up a little bit, and that you can't protect your children from everything.

Cam and Mitchell are chaperoning Lily's first date, and while Lily is initially embarrassed by her dads, she ends up taking Mitchell's advice about a funny story as an ice-breaker, and the date goes great, prompting her dads to think about how much they love being fathers, and contemplate potentially doing it again.

Gloria and Jay watch Joe's school play while Jay suffers from back pain, and ends up taking too much of his pain medication which leads to him being sentimental and weepy.

Phil and Claire argue over whether or not to keep Phil's father's RV, with Claire eventually caving and saying they can keep it so they can go on adventures now that they are soon-to-be empty-nesters.

Each of these little stories ends up culminating at the restaurant, bringing the family together as the reminisce about their past adventures in parenting. While I might roll my eyes as a matter of course at the clip show, it truthfully didn't last very long, and tied in quite well with the theme of nostalgia.

Some favorite comedy highlights include Jay trying to pick Claire up because he wants to hold her again like when she was a baby, and everyone seeming not to know who Dylan is - Gloria calls Lily's date "Dylan" and then Dylan, all confused, says "I'm Dylan." That was adorable.

This was a successful episode, maybe the best one of the season thus far? More Haley, Dylan, and the babies please!


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