June 28, 2019

Elementary: Command: Delete (7x06)

Sherlock... WTF.


I'm really enjoying all of this stuff with Reichenbach, but I am seriously miffed that Sherlock is keeping the truth from Joan. This is the second time this season that Sherlock has been controlled by someone through threats against Joan, and both times, he's decided to conceal the truth. It's a tired, predictable trope, one I thought this show had moved past. It's obviously sweet that all of Sherlock's enemies know that Joan is so important to him. But if they are supposed to be partners, equals in their work, then where does Sherlock get off, hiding this kind of information from her? Haven't they been down this road before? It feels like a lazy way to stir up some drama.


The temporary captain character is still a bit of a mixed bag for me, but I like that he seems impatient with Bell wanting to check in with him. Is he lazy? Or is his work style effective, just different from Gregson? As much as I've complained that there doesn't seem to be a point to this character yet, I'll admit to some curiosity as to where they're going with him.

The case of the week is never the part of the episode that I pay all that much attention to, but there were several interesting aspects to it this time around. The sniper being blackmailed into scaring the would-be victim was a cool red herring. I like that Joan was the one to figure out how the suspect's pregnancy fit into things, and ended up solving the whole case. It's fun when Sherlock and Joan work together, obviously, but I like the fluidity with which Joan and Sherlock are able to take on parts of cases, help each other out, but also function as individuals. Here, the case of the week was won by Joan and Bell, with an assist from Joan's medical background. That was excellent.

I really admire Odin Reichenbach as a villain. I've already mentioned this, but he is very clearly Elementary's version of the classic Professor Moriarty. I will never, ever get over how brilliantly this show pulled off the Moriarty character - it was maybe the best thing that's ever happened in any Sherlock Holmes adaptation ever. So I'm glad they used up that part of the original story early on. This character is the traditional Moriarty, and it's fun to see him as well, in this slightly altered form. Sherlock uses the metaphor of a "spider" to describe the way that Reichenbach has his web of influence online. It's a clever way to modernize this villain, giving him far-reaching power because of the sheer volume of data he is able to access.

And his plan is just the perfect kind of cunning for this type of villain. He's so detached from the reality of the world that he thinks killing people who might commit crimes is something that makes sense. How very Minority Report of him. It's not a super original idea for a villain, but I always love Elementary's dry and decisive way of taking down such stupid arguments. Sherlock and Joan are not swayed for even a moment by this idea of making the world a better place. I really like the idea of Sherlock going "under cover" to help the NSA get something on Odin, but then this being part of Odin's plan all along. Sherlock figures it out as soon as he realizes Odin must have been wearing a wire. This is the right balance of intelligence for me. Both men briefly think they have the measure of the other, but both are quick to figure out that they've underestimated one another. If it weren't for Reichenbach holding Sherlock's friends in the balance, these two would be evenly matched. We now have a situation where Sherlock is facing an adversary with far more resources than he can manage. This should be fun to watch!

And that's all for now. I like Reichenbach. I wish Jamie Moriarty could pop up for an end-of-series return, but if we needed to whip up a different endgame villain, this one is working for me!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I believe your are not around this blog anymore (and I know you already watched all the series.) but I feel the need to comment if extemporaneously,
    I think that Watson reads Sherlock very well and I believe she didn’t buy his lie in regards of NSA. I expect her to be ahead of game instead of bein a victim again (6X20)
    Anyways there’s 3 more episodes left to know. that gives 3 days for me. Although I am tempted to binge watch them tonight.

    Good evening!


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