May 03, 2019

The Big Bang Theory: The Plagiarism Schism (12x21)

This episode had a bit more meat on its bones than I'm used to, honestly. That doesn't make it a great episode or anything, but it is a nice change of pace.


I gather that I'm supposed to think it's sweet that Howard decides he doesn't need to stalk the waitresses at the Cheesecake Factory to find out who thinks he's attractive. But it's decidedly not sweet that Howard casually mentions how he used to keep track of women and their cars and their relationship statuses. I just don't think that sexual harassment is funny. And now that Howard is supposed to have evolved beyond that, I wish they'd leave the past in the past.


I do appreciate that the Nobel Prize story has actually been a consistent A-plot this season. Amy's outburst had lasting ramifications, and now there's an added complication - there's a way to discredit one of the rival scientists going for the same prize, but Amy and Sheldon aren't sure if, ethically, they should expose him. Leonard decides to do it for them, so they won't have done anything wrong. In the end one of the rivals turns on his partner upon figuring out that he plagiarized his thesis in college.

Obviously, in a better show, we might have explored the complexities of this situation even more, and there might have been actual lasting consequences. As it is, Amy and Sheldon don't cross an ethical line, and they still get what they want in the end. But for this show, especially since it's almost over, I think I'm pretty okay with the way things shook out here.

I liked Amy and Sheldon's discussion about the situation, as they went back and forth on various arguments for and against exposing the truth. In the end, whatever their motivations and however tempted they may have been, they decide not to cross the line.

It's pretty adorable that Leonard was willing to go to such extremes for his friends. The friendship between Leonard and Sheldon has been one of the cornerstones of this show from the very beginning, and it doesn't surprise me that we explored it a bit here, and likely will a few more times before the show closes its doors for good. I also like that Penny couldn't help but tell Amy about it. She's terrible at keeping secrets.

Also, as a final note, it's always good to see Barry Kripke. It's just one joke - he talks funny. But for whatever reason, it does make me smile!

Okay, that's all. The countdown continues for the moment in which I can finally say adios to this dumb television program!


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