October 26, 2018

Grey's Anatomy: Everyday Angel (15x05)

Ehhhh this episode really annoyed meeee.


Meredith and Teddy spend the episode talking about the whole pregnancy situation. Meredith takes the day off of work to talk to Teddy about this stupid love triangle business. Spending a whole plot thread in Meredith's house while she bakes for Zola's bake sale just made me realize all the more how much I don't care about the Amelia/Teddy/Owen thing. I just super don't care. Ugh. Teddy is a cool character, one that I used to like back in the day. Now she spends all her time griping about her undying love for Owen, and I just feel totally uninterested.

We see Amelia and Owen being all happy and parent-like, monitoring Betty at school because they're worried about her, playing with baby Leo in the car. Honestly, if you took these scenes in isolation, they weren't bad at all. In fact, I was actually kind of warming up to this weird little family unit. Or, I would be, if not for the looming disaster of Teddy's pregnancy. All of this time trying to get me invested in Amelia and Owen as a couple is just wasted because I know we're about to undergo some really annoying drama.

Jackson is back, and Maggie is upset, but the matchmaker patient makes her understand that she's not really mad at Jackson for leaving the way he did. What she's really mad about is that she needs to ask herself big questions, and she's envious that Jackson is doing that. Wait... what? This makes no sense and is very silly. Jackson running off to the wilderness is stupid, and Maggie has every right to be pissed at him for it! Why would you go back on that? And what is this nebulous, non-specific crap about Maggie needing to focus more on herself, and less on other people? If anything, the opposite is true. She's a profoundly selfish person. She always has been.

I like DeLuca now, and the focus on him is appreciated, but I was a little bit confused by the plot thread with Richard and DeLuca this week. Richard was testing him, and DeLuca was... failing, in some way? Really, this plot thread just made Schmidt and Helm seem incompetent. I'm not quite sure what the point of this little subplot was supposed to be.


Bailey and Jo spend the episode trying to help a woman with a mysterious source of pain. She wanted Meredith to help diagnose her, but Bailey and Jo are determined to help. In the end, they solve the medical mystery. This was a good plot thread because it gives Bailey and Jo time together, which helps to solidify their working relationship with the fellowship that they are working on together. Also, it continues a thread we've seen for a while now with Bailey. She is trying to reduce stress in her life, and she's finding that no matter what she does, the stress doesn't go away. In the end, she determines that the true source of her stress is Ben, because of his dangerous job. I don't know what the solution is for this problem, but I like that we're taking the time with Bailey to address it seriously.

Alex and Link butt heads a bit, working on a patient together. I was ready to get annoyed by this, because of course it would be patently stupid for Alex to resent Jo having a male friend from her past. But in the end, it turns out that Alex' resentment comes from believing that Link could have saved Jo from her abusive ex-husband. The two clear the air, and Alex tells Jo that Link seems like a good guy. I continue to like Link. He's funny and different from any other character on the show, and I'm a fan!

There's a smaller thing I want to mention - Jackson and Alex work together on a medical case, and they honestly were being so cute with each other? Jackson is eager to give Alex a surprise fun surgery, and he literally steers him down the hallway towards the patient. Then, when they're in the room with the boy and his father, Alex says: "Avery and I make an excellent team," and Jackson looks fondly at Alex. I don't know why, but I really picked up on the friendship vibes with these two. I like that this show has such a big ensemble cast, and that sometimes certain relationships don't get a lot of focus. I don't think we've ever had major plot points connected with Jackson and Alex, or if we have it's been a long while. And yet we can have these little moments to show their friendship all the same!

Schmidt, the poor confused baby, is now getting some seriously mixed messages from the hot ortho dude. Helm convinces him that the guy is definitely asking him out, but when Schmidt shows up at the bar later on, he gets the brush-off. The guy is perfectly friendly, but nothing more. I'm a little bit confused by this. Are they going to be an item, or not? Because I totally want them to be, and if there's nothing going on there, what a waste of our time! Unless this is Schimdt's queer awakening and we explore that more, the entire thing seems pointless. I guess we'll wait and see! I'm not complaining, I'm just... curious.

That all I've got for the time being. This episode contained a large amount of focus on some plot threads that are really getting on my nerves. But at the end of the day, there are always still some elements to enjoy!


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