April 06, 2018

The Big Bang Theory: The Tenant Disassociation (11x19)

This show is sexist, guys.


It's the little things. Like the show starts with a joke about Leonard making fun of Raj for getting "beat up by a girl." And even though Howard points out that it's sexist, it's still not enough to erase the stupid joke. Raj and Howard's subplot involves finding a hot girl who owns a drone that crashed, but of course the punchline of the joke is that Raj is super creepy, and the girl sees that on the drone video feed as Raj talks about sleeping with her. Raj is the worst. How am I supposed to root for him with women when he behaves this way? Even Stuart points out that women don't tend to frequent the comic book shop because of the latent sexism of the men there, including himself. I suppose I should be impressed that he is recognizing the sexism, but it's not enough to point something out. You actually have to go somewhere with it.


The drone plot thread did have some creative moments in it. I love how Howard and Raj make only the flimsiest token effort to find the owner, because they want the drone for themselves, but then Bernadette points out that they can check the video card and get clues. She's too pragmatic for their crap!

The main plot was much more successful - Leonard and Penny discover to their horror that Sheldon is the president and sole member of the Tenant Association. Their efforts to oust him are somewhat difficult, but they do have help from Amy, who is trying to get Leonard elected without having to betray Sheldon. There are all sorts of shenanigans here. I liked Leonard and Penny failing to recruit additional votes because nobody wants to cross Sheldon, I liked Amy's espionage and her terrible lying, and I liked Sheldon's counter-measures as he comes up with new ways to drive Leonard and Penny crazy, like by restricting access to the laundry room. There was nothing groundbreaking or super original about this story, but it was a lot of fun, and it did end with Leonard becoming president, and Sheldon eagerly looking forward to being the dissenting voice. Poor Leonard...

My reviews for this show tend to run pretty short, because... well, I don't want to waste my energy on anything more detailed. That's all, folks!


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