April 17, 2017

Elementary: High Heat (5x19)

As Elementary approaches what very well might be the end of its run, you would think they'd be focusing in on dangling plot threads, or honing in on an interesting end-game for the characters. Instead, we got an episode that for the most part, could have disappeared and nobody would notice. A lot of stuff was boring, a few things were annoying. That said, there were a few gems hidden here...


So... other than Sherlock and Joan talking about it briefly, we're just... not going to deal with the Shinwell thing? Apparently Sherlock has been coping by having a lot of casual sex, while Joan has thrown herself deep into work. They have one discussion about how they let a murderer into their lives, and Joan says they need to move on... so they do. Kinda lame.

The case of the week involved paternity tests, terrible private detectives, a future career in professional baseball, a weird red herring about Chernobyl... it was just not very interesting. It didn't tell a bigger story or have an allegorical resonance. It wasn't cool or different or special. Meh.

The subplot had some redeeming things about it, but it also had its fair share of annoying bits as well. Apparently, Joan signed herself and Sherlock up for a private detective organization so that they can advertise their names on its website. Joan didn't tell Sherlock about this, which seems really inconsiderate, and of course Sherlock doesn't like the organization, because anybody can pay to get the seal of approval. Joan accuses Sherlock of being a snob, but I think he honestly had a legitimate point. What was Joan doing, signing Sherlock up for something without his knowledge or consent? It just felt really stupid.


However, the subplot did have the moment where Joan said "you're being a snob," and Sherlock responded: "someone has to be" in the most hilariously snobby voice ever. Also, the resolution did make me smile. Sherlock agrees to help the organization of private detectives, instead of tearing it down. He comes up with a test that will be mandatory if members want to retain their place in the organization. This feels like it could be a lovely little subplot for Sherlock. He takes on a whole bunch of people as students, to fill the place in his heart that actually enjoys sharing his wisdom.

Also, I like the way this show does casual sex. Unlike in almost every other show I've seen, nothing about it grosses me out. We see a nameless woman that Sherlock has had sex with, but everything about the scene indicates that these are two consenting adults who are both totally clear as to the situation and what they can expect from each other. It's a small detail, but I do appreciate that.

My last comment is that in the scene where Sherlock is testing for blood splatters, at one point Joan backs away and hides behind a flap of canvas, poking her head out the side. That was super duper adorable. Favorite moment of the episode, honestly.

That's what I have. I'd be sad if Elementary were cancelled this season, but at the same time I'm starting to think it might be for the best...


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