March 24, 2014

Suits: Moot Point (3x13)

Thank God for this episode of Suits. This was classic, right out of Season One in terms of quippy-ness and exciting cases and inner-firm drama, but with the added emotional weight of the past three seasons of character development. I really like where this season is going. Let's talk about the plot!

Mike wants to give Harvey a gift for saving him from Louis, so he manages to procure a case against an attorney that beat Harvey back in law school, and that Harvey has wanted to go against ever since: A. Elliot Stemple. Harvey and Mike think they've caught him at first, but then it turns out that Stemple will be trickier to beat than they first thought. However, in the end they're able to defeat him. Harvey takes Mike out to dinner, but the celebration is short lived. Jessica tells Mike that this case is bringing a lot of attention to Harvey and Mike, but that Mike needs to step back and not take any credit for it. Mike realizes sadly that his entire career is going to be like this. He'll never be able to be in the spotlight, just in case people start digging around in his past.

Meanwhile, Scottie attempts to prove herself by going up against Louis for a case. Louis and Katrina try to beat Scottie, but they can't. Finally, Louis goes to Harvey, and asks him to interfere in his favor. He says that since he did Harvey a huge favor by letting Mike off the hook, Harvey should help him get his client back from Scottie. Harvey doesn't want to interfere, and he asks Louis if this is a favor for a friend, or him cashing in a chip. Louis, sadly, says he's cashing in a chip, and Harvey says Louis can't have it both ways. They can't be friends if Louis is going to use his actions to settle scores. Harvey tells Scottie that she has to give the client back to Louis. Harvey says that it's because of the favor Louis did for him, but when Scottie asks, Harvey won't tell her what it is.

Yikes. So much to love about this particular episode. I'll start with the bad stuff, though...

Katrina. I still can't figure out why she even exists on this show. There were times earlier on this season that I saw some potential in her, but then an episode like this comes along and I'm lost again. She's just Louis's little lap dog, doing whatever he wants her to do. What's the point of a character like that?

Also, if I were going to nitpick, I'd say that Rachel was pretty useless in this episode. She basically played the role of supportive girlfriend, and nothing more. I don't mind that for the time being, but I am getting nervous that Rachel won't have any story of her own... she has to be her own person, and more than just Mike's girlfriend.

But honestly. This episode kicked some major ass. Let's talk about that!

All of the bromance. Be still my beating heart. I love the way that Mike got this case specifically as a gift for Harvey. I love the way they took the case on together. It's actually been a while since we've seen them team up on a case. Usually they both have their own stuff going on. Seeing them present a united front in that court room was really fun. And they actually went out to dinner together! And quoted movies together! And walked down the hallway really close together... together. Okay, so yeah, I'm a bit obsessed with these two. But this episode was a goldmine of the light, fluffy, sweet bromance between Harvey and Mike that I love so much.

I also loved the conversation between Mike and Jessica. It was sort of a heartbreaking realization that Mike could never get any real attention as a lawyer. I mean, intellectually I think Mike knew this, but it's only just starting to sink in, as he starts taking on bigger cases. Naturally, as Harvey's protege, he should be trying to make a name for himself. But in Mike's situation, he never can. I would love to see Harvey and Mike have a conversation about this in the future.

Louis and Harvey's strange relationship continues to delight me. When Louis said "calling in a chip," he looked about ready to cry. In that moment, he realized he was sacrificing Harvey's friendship for his own personal career. It's a difficult thing to watch. Of course, it's also complicated for Harvey and Scottie's relationship, too. I love the way everyone is positioned right now: Harvey doesn't blame Mike for making things bad between Harvey and Scottie. At least... not yet. But with Louis and Harvey and Scottie and Jessica and Mike... it seems like we've got a very tenuous house of cards that could come tumbling down any second. It's a wonderfully dramatic situation.

I could go on. I could always go on and on and on about this show. I love it dearly. Point being, I adored this bromance-heavy episode, with Harvey and Mike standing together against the bad guys. Can't wait for the next one!


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