December 26, 2013

The Vampire Diaries: Fifty Shades of Grayson (5x10)

Divin' right into the plot on this one.

Damon escapes from Wes' evil lair of evil, and he goes back to the Salvatore mansion, fetching Stefan to go back and save Elena. The boys go to find Aaron as leverage, calling Wes and telling him that they'll kill Aaron unless they get Elena back. However, Wes doesn't want to give up his new test subject. Instead, he releases Enzo, injecting him with poison to insure he comes back for the antidote, and sending off the deranged vampire to kill Damon.

Wes tells Stefan on the phone that he'll kill Elena if they hurt Aaron, but Stefan says the threat works both ways. Enzo shows up and tells his story to a surprised Stefan, who doesn't know how to react to this new piece of information about his brother. When Wes continues to not give up Elena, Aaron saves his own life by offering information about Augustine. While Stefan and Aaron go off to Aaron's dorm room, Enzo and Damon fight. Enzo reveals that he's going to die unless he kills Damon, and as he collapses Damon tries to save him with a bunch of tubes marked antidote. It does seem to revive him for a moment, but just long enough for Enzo to make it clear that he doesn't forgive Damon. Then, he dies.

Aaron and Stefan arrive at Aaron's dorm room, and Aaron tries to kill Stefan. Stefan stops him, and Aaron reveals that he's a dead man anyway - Damon has killed everyone else in his family, and he's planning on killing him too. Stefan lets him live, saying that not every vampire is like his brother.

Elena wakes up strapped to a table, as Wes reveals that Elena's dad worked for Augustine, and even reads some passages from Mr. Gilbert's journal. Elena has faint memories of coming down to this basement as a kid, because her dad worked there. Luckily for Elena, Stefan shows up just in time to stop Wes from injecting Elena with the serum that would make her crave vampire blood. Aaron finds Wes in the lab and tells him he never wants to see him again.

Meanwhile, Katherine freaks out after her night with Stefan because she finds more gray hairs. She talks to Matt, who fetches Nadia. Nadia says she might have a way to save Katherine, which involves doing a Traveler spell and transferring her consciousness into another body. Katherine says no, since Stefan likes the body she's in now. However, when Nadia finds out that Katherine only wants to live for Stefan, and not for her own daughter, she angrily leaves. In the end, Katherine decides she might as well try this Traveler spell after all. However, before she can, she collapses due to a heart attack.

Alright, I'll just rapid-fire some pros and cons here.

Pros: Katherine, Katherine, Katherine. If she dies I'll be so pissed off. I just love her strange mix of selfishness and genuine wish for redemption, Like, it's pretty clear she only wants to be a better person because she wants Stefan, but at the same time she seems willing to go the distance.

Aaron. I love that Aaron feels betrayed by Wes, but that it wasn't an easy decision for him to make. All of this stuff about vampires gets dumped on his lap and he actually takes a look at all of the available information before making his judgment. I appreciate his character a lot and I hope we aren't done with him.

Damon and Elena broke up! Oh yeah, I didn't mention that in the summary, did I? I'm happy about this, not because I don't like Damon and Elena together, but because I really disliked the way it was dominating the show. I'd love it if everyone could step back away from their romances and focus on the bigger problems of Augustine, Katherine dying, this lingering Traveler business, etc. Of course we'll have to deal with more love triangles in the future, but that's alright. I'd love to see how these two characters behave separately, instead of together, for once.

The Augustine plot is actually working pretty good for me. I like all this business about Elena making excuses for her dad, and I like the fact that it is actually a pretty morally confusing subject. Elena's father was complicit in the torture of vampires, but he was doing it to save the lives of humans. It makes sense that Elena would be confused about how to feel.

Cons: The Traveler stuff with Nadia.While I liked Katherine in this episode, Nadia remains a completely useless character in my opinion. The Traveler plot seems to be going nowhere. I don't like the idea of transferring Katherine into another body, especially if they do something stupid and transfer Katherine into Elena's body so she'll still look the same but won't die. I'm worried that's where this is going. I never liked the Traveler thing to begin with, and I'm annoyed that it's sticking around.

Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline? Where were they? I'm okay with not crowding up the episode, but I missed these guys a lot.

Enzo is dead. I liked Enzo a lot. I enjoyed his character, I liked the idea of Damon having this secret past and this good friend that he betrayed. It all just finished up way too quickly, and I was annoyed at the missed opportunity to continue his character. Along the same vein, I think it's very interesting to think about Damon's revenge and how dark he truly still is, but at the same time all of this stuff about Augustine was so rushed over that I didn't get a chance to digest this new part of Damon's story. We'll see if they can rectify this in the future.

In summary, I think this episode had a lot going for it, but there were a few slip ups that made it hard to thoroughly enjoy.


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