November 29, 2013

The Legend of Korra: Darkness Falls (2x13)

Again, this episode was just go, go, go. And I loved that. There were a few things that didn't quite make sense to me in here, but I'll get to that in a minute.

So, it's Korra vs. Vaatu, while Mako and Bolin try to keep Unalaq busy just outside of the Spirit World. However, Desna and Eska show up and trap Mako and Bolin, allowing Unalaq to escape. In the Spirit World, he fuses with Vaatu and becomes a Dark Avatar. Korra and Unalaq have an epic fight in their Avatar States. Meanwhile, Bolin uses his connection with Eska to trick the twins into freeing them. They go into the Spirit World to try and help Korra, but to no avail. Unalaq/Vaatu manages to draw Raava out of Korra and destroy her, thus cutting Korra's connections to past Avatars. Unalaq becomes more powerful than ever, and as Harmonic Convergence is hitting, we see the entire world affected by Unalaq's dark power.

Meanwhile, Tenzin, Bumi and Kya are trying to look for Jinora. They come across Iroh, who tells them that they should get out of the Spirit World, because it might not be safe. Of course they can't listen to his advice, because they need to find Jinora. The three of them are captured by a Spirit and taken to a dangerous Spirit Fog called the Fog of Lost Souls, that drives people mad with their insecurities. Bumi and Kya both soon succumb to it, but Tenzin gets a visit from Aang and manages to repel the Fog. Jinora is there, and although she is happy to see her father, she says she can't leave the Spirit World yet, since she sense that Korra needs her help.

I'll list the two main problems I had with this episode first of all.

1. Bolin's speech to Eska. At first, I thought he was totally just acting, in order to get the twins to free him and his brother. However, when Mako compliments him on the acting, Bolin reveals to the audience that he was genuine in what he said. This really annoyed me, because at no point since the breakup did Bolin reveal anything resembling true feelings for Eska. Even when they were together, their relationship was always treated as a joke, edging on uncomfortably abusive. I was annoyed that suddenly the relationship was treated legitimately.

2. Aang the Deus Ex Machina. How is it that the Fog of Lost Souls, which has imprisoned people for years and years, is suddenly just dispelled entirely when Tenzin realized that he had to accept who he is or whatever? To me, it seemed like a really easy way to get out of a very complicated problem. Of course, I did love seeing Aang.

Now for the good stuff.

1. Again, the action was awesome. Some of this Bending was truly incredible. I was blown away by the animation and the creativity the whole way through.

2. Korra's connection with Raava is broken! Obviously this isn't good, for Korra and for the world, but it's such an interesting plot development! Is Korra cut off from the past Avatars for good? Is there any way to get that back? How intense!

3. Iroh! Sort of a given, but I did love seeing Iroh again. That goes for Aang and Zhou too. Cameos are always fun, and I think each one was utilized well here. I mean, yeah, Aang did fix things just a little too easily, but at the same time, I think Tenzin's spiritual journey has been weighted down by fear of failing his dead father. Hopefully now Tenzin can put that fear to rest and move forward.

So as you might be able to tell, I ultimately did enjoy this episode. It kept a fast pace and crammed in a lot of interesting plot developments. The problems were way less intrusive than the good stuff.


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