January 08, 2024

Bob's Burgers: Mission Impossi-Bob (14x11)

A very fun episode!


I really have no complaints at all. I could have used even more fun weird times with the crazy bunker man, I wanted to know his whole deal. Maybe if Teddy keeps doing work for him, he'll come back later.


The main plot features Bob going on a rescue mission to find Teddy, who has trapped himself in a panic room/safe thing that a wealthy client has asked him to help with. There's all this convoluted information presented to us over a series of phone calls with Teddy, whose phone is in danger of dying as he rambles on about seemingly irrelevant things in an attempt to explain to Bob how to find and rescue him.

I loved the chaos of this, of Teddy freaking out and Bob trying not to get stressed. I also like that it's a success. Something I think this show does really well is you often see the Belchers embarrassed or overwhelmed or stressed, but often you also see them win, after unexpected challenges are set in their way. It's not that we never see the failure version of a story like this, but this time, Bob does in fact put the clues together and find Teddy, and not only that, when the owner comes home and nearly catches him, they come up with a clever idea to hide Bob from him and save the day even more!

Teddy is a character who I feel like is always on the edge of being too much, too annoying, but they always pull him back from the edge just enough. His strange mix of devotion and trust, but also misunderstanding and dismissiveness of Bob, always gets a laugh out of me. He thinks Bob is financially stable, but also seems not to understand his work at the restaurant. He believes in Bob's ability to find him, but wants to help walk him through how to download a song on his phone. It's such a funny mix!

The subplot features the kids and Linda making a giant burger to serve to a group of over-forty athletes who have just won a tournament. Again, you might expect this to become some sort of escalating disaster, and in a way it does, as they struggle with how to flip the giant patty, then run into a problem with their giant bread idea. But when it comes down to it, they do actually manage to serve the burger, and the group does in fact eat about half of it, which was better than I was expecting! The Belchers will be having leftover burgers for a couple days, it looks like.

I always love the energy of this family, this thing where the kids have a wacky idea and the parents actually, when reasonable, allow them to do it. There's something heartwarming about the idea that if you're going to make your kids help out with the family business, you might as well let them have some goofy fun with it once in a while.

So yeah! This was a fun one. This show usually finds a way to make me smile.


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