August 13, 2021

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Lake House (8x02)

Well... why did we resolve the Kevin/Holt thing so quickly? That was kind of weird!


Maybe I just like angst too much, but I would have liked to explore Holt and Kevin's relationship issues a bit more before just saying they're going to try and get back together. Maybe we'll get to learn more about how they're doing in couples counseling? But in that case, why not just frame it that way from the beginning, instead of saying they've separated, which makes it seem way more serious? I don't know. I just thought it was all kind of abrupt.

Maybe because this was a vacation episode where the gang is away from the precinct, but I found myself missing Gina's energy. I hope she makes at least an appearance or two in this final season.


Amy and Charles' plot with the baby was pretty silly and cute. I like that it wasn't some big thing where Amy is insecure about being a bad mom... no, there are some tender feelings, but it's not that deep. Amy has the mom superpower of breaking through a door, which I thought was hilarious. Although why did nobody try going around to the windows first?

Rosa being high did in fact make me smile. It was kind of an easy joke, but the actor is charismatic enough that it worked. The chips with Scully, the way she was fleeing from negative energy, and then the end with: "Amy was right, drugs are bad"... it all worked for me.

As for the main plot with Raymond and Kevin... while I might be a little annoyed if this is all we get, I did enjoy the description of the bird and the reveal about the bird calls. Terry loves hedges and Terry hates ledges... everyone knows that, Jake! Come on!

This is a shorter review, sorry, but there were two episodes and I've got shit to do! It's right that this show come to an end, honestly, but I can still have some fun with it until we get there.


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