April 05, 2019

The Big Bang Theory: The Laureate Accumulation (12x18)

To the surprise of nobody, this episode mostly just bored me.


There were elements of Howard's story that I really liked, but as is often the case with this show, they have to thrown in a quick joke that undercuts their message in a stupid way. The idea of Howard embracing his fear and learning that he can be brave despite that fear would have been a good story, but then at the end we see that he's still trying to lie about how strong and cool he is, and he makes a joke about a nagging wife. Like... it's 2019. Can we not?

What a weird use of Ellen DeGeneres, too. I don't know that it's really a serious problem with the episode or anything, I just thought it was quite odd to see her. I couldn't tell if her lines were scripted by her writers, or The Big Bang Theory's writers, but they didn't have the general sparkle that she usually exhibits.


I did like 90% of Howard's plot though, especially Bernadette's blatant guilt tripping. Howard going to space was one of the better and more consistent plot elements this show has ever employed. It was a cool journey for his character, and exploring the ramifications of his time as an astronaut is actually a smart thing for the show to do.

I actually like the stuff going on with Sheldon and Amy, because it's a plot that emphasizes their shared passion for science and their careers. There's a decent amount of humor, and Sheldon self-reflecting, and Leonard and Penny being good friends. It's all solid, inoffensive stuff. Nothing to write home about, but still.

I really liked Penny and Leonard's roles here, as Leonard helps Sheldon realize when he's going too far in his insults, and both of them go to visit the Nobel Prize winners to encourage them to see past Sheldon's rudeness in favor of his brains. Sheldon is a jerk to everyone all the time, and it's nice when the show chooses to acknowledge that there are sometimes consequences for bad behavior. Sheldon is used to people telling him to shut up, he's used to being ostracized for his own behavior. It almost doesn't bother him at this point, except for that he's now in a situation where it's hurting not only his career, but Amy's as well.

I've talked quite a bit about how Amy and Sheldon's relationship is a surprisingly well-executed aspect of the show. Not all of the time, of course. There's still plenty to cringe at. But the thing is, Amy makes space for Sheldon's idiosyncrasies, which could mean diminishing herself at the expense of her husband, but it doesn't mean that, because Sheldon actually gives a damn, and wants to be a good partner for her. His self-awareness on this subject is an important aspect to their relationship.

Also, as far as humor goes, Amy spouting off and going all aggro on the two other scientists was absolutely hilarious, and pretty cathartic.

So there you have it. I'm eagerly awaiting the final episodes of this show, so I can put it behind me forever!


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