October 18, 2018

Modern Family: Torn Between Two Lovers (10x04)

Yeah, this was mostly an okay episode.


Manny's girlfriend is super annoying. And I know that's part of the point, but sometimes when a character is meant to be annoying to other characters, the consequence is that they end up being annoying to the audience as well. The joke is basically that Jay and Gloria both want to be the good guy and make the other one kick her out, so they escalate her annoying improv comedy to get the other to crack first. It didn't go far enough to be truly absurd comedy, and it didn't feel grounded enough for me to get to know this person as a real potential love interest for Manny. So in the end, the whole thing was just kind of... meh.


Mitchell and Cam's plot thread was also pretty much a throw-away, but it was decently amusing and even a little bit sweet. They go to a dinner party with one of Mitchell's attorney co-workers. They bring Lily and Cal along with, because they believe that this other gay couple also has two young kids. Turns out, predictably, it's actually two dogs. The dinner party turns to disaster when Cal breaks an expensive souvenir. We see Mitchell and Cam longing for the money, freedom to travel, and cleanliness that this other couple has, but by the end of the episode they know that all of the sacrifices are worth it for their kids. Sweet, simple, a few good laughs, all in all not bad. I especially liked how Cam and Mitchell discussed Mitchell's worrying plan to have Cam bite him on the leg and blame it on the dogs, and how Cam seemed bewildered at himself for just going along with it so quickly.

The main story focuses on the Haley/Dylan/Arvin love triangle. Obviously love triangles are really tired story devices, but at first I was actually a little bit miffed that this one was ending so soon. I felt  disappointed that Arvin was written off so quickly, that their last moment together was a throw-away joke about how Haley doesn't understand his references. All that said, though, for the most part this plot thread worked really well, and it ended up in a place that makes sense for Haley's story. If this is the final season of Modern Family (there have been rumors of a shortened Season Eleven), then Haley needs some sort of romantic endgame. And short of bringing back Andy, Dylan really is the only option that makes sense.

Also, it might be a tired, predictable setup, but Phil's love and support for Dylan is always hilarious to me. Claire decides to go to bat for Arvin, so we have Haley's two parents each vying for a different suitor. Of course, Haley ultimately discovers for herself the future she wants, and that future is with Dylan. Her parents help her to come to this decision, but the episode takes a turn for the briefly serious as Haley contemplates how her life will go with each of the men. I think it works pretty well in ending the Arvin story and giving us a bit of a reason to invest in Haley and Dylan's relationship. Dylan has tried to make himself a better person, and Haley has shown herself capable of growth as well.

So, there you have it. I'm a broken record, but this show is definitely showing its age. That said, I thought this episode had enough charm to get by.


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