April 07, 2017

The Big Bang Theory: The Recollection Dissipation (10x20)

At some point, I'm going to get really sick of saying the same things about this show over and over. It's not that funny. It feels lazy. It's occasionally extremely insulting. This wasn't a particularly bad episode or anything, but it definitely wasn't great.


The main plot features Sheldon trying to be in two places at once, as he promised Amy he would work with her on their project, but also told Howard and Leonard he'd work with them on the navigation system. He runs back and forth, working effectively on both projects with great results. Unfortunately, this tanks his immune system and he gets sick. We then see that he loses a full day because he takes cold medicine and can't remember what happened. They track down his missing notebook, full of classified government information, to a Western-themed bar.

You would think this would be really funny, but it didn't really do much for me. A few funny lines here and there, but... not much. At least we got to see some of Sheldon's crazy missing day. Sometimes on this show they just tell, and don't show. In either case, there wasn't enough showing. I also have a problem whenever this show tries to do science talk, because it seems so inauthentic as to how actual scientists would talk to one another.


Like I said, there were a few funny lines, like when Amy and Leonard both discover that Sheldon has double-booked his day, and Raj interjects: "Guys, before this gets ugly, remember, the winner gets Sheldon." Also, Sheldon's "wild west" talk to the patrons of the bar was a hoot. And I liked Penny and Sheldon's laundry room conversation. It felt like the early days of the show!

The subplot was a lot more successful. Bernadette is getting ready to go back to work soon, but she's having a really hard time with the thought of leaving Halley alone. She breaks down in front of Stuart, but she doesn't share how she's feeling with Howard. Howard can tell that something is wrong, and assumes he must have done something to make Bernadette angry. Eventually, Bernadette tells the truth, and Howard promises that they will work together to find a good solution. If Bernadette hates going back to work, then they can always undo it.

Bernadette's whole motherhood arc is one of the best things this show has ever done. In fact, I don't think there's a single other sitcom that I've seen that's actually shown motherhood changing a character so much. Howard and Bernadette both, but especially Bernadette, are actually in a different place now in their lives because of parenthood, and it's affecting their story-lines.

I also liked the joke about Howard forgetting to tell Bernie that her great aunt had died, and so instead he just sends her Christmas cards from this dead aunt. Obviously it's a horrible thing to do, but somehow Howard's well-meaning attitude made it funny to me, and he did decide to tell her the truth all on his own.

So, there you have it. If this show could just be about Howard and Bernadette now, that would be great. I'd even take Stuart in the mix if it helped. As for Penny and Leonard, why are they even still around?


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