November 04, 2016

The Big Bang Theory: The Veracity Elasticity (10x07)

This episode had a lot of really funny one-liners. I did take mild exception to one of the plot threads, though.


Basically, the plot is that everybody keeps secrets from each other. Penny's secret is that she's been moving Leonard's collectibles out of the house and into storage slowly over time. Leonard finds out and is angry at first, but then says that Penny should decorate their room however she wants, so that she feels at home. She proceeds to completely redo the room in pink with hearts and stuff, taking out all of Leonard's stuff. Leonard is then seen hiding Penny's stuff. I get that this was all supposed to be funny, but I was getting really angry on Leonard's behalf. It's one thing for Penny to want to change things so she feels more at home. I get that. It's another thing for her to just take her husband's belongings and hide them away. Like, what the hell, Penny? There was a brief mention of using Sheldon's now-empty room as a place for Leonard to put his stuff, but this idea got pushed aside. Hopefully Leonard finds a way to assert himself in this relationship too. I'm not cool with Penny having that much control.


But on the flip side, I loved the secret stuff with Amy and Sheldon. Amy lies to Sheldon about her apartment, saying they are still working on it when actually they finished early. When Sheldon finds out, he's both upset and flattered. Eventually, he decides that his experiment in cohabitation with Amy was a success, and he'd like to continue.

This simplistic plot thread led to some amazing jokes. My favorite scene is when Sheldon, Leonard, Amy, and Penny are all together and they are all trying to figure out who knows what secret. Sheldon and Leonard speak in Klingon, while the girls speak in "abudaba" or whatever you call that language where you just insert an "uba" into every syllable. That was great!

Sheldon compares his feeling of mixed hurt and flattery with the feeling he gets when people tell him he looks like "that skeleton from The Nightmare Before Christmas." Raj looks at him and says: "Oh my God, that's who you look like!"

There's a scene where Leonard and Sheldon are looking around Leonard's room, and Leonard is getting increasingly agitated about the collectibles that Penny has stolen away. He says "she took my Where's Waldo!" And Sheldon says, "no, he's over there." and Leonard says "Oh yeah, there he is." Something about that line delivery was just so hilarious.

I also kind of love that Howard and Bernadette, the ones who spilled the secrets in the first place, get off without a scratch. Nobody gets mad at them for spilling the beans, or if they do, everything is quickly forgiven. They're so mischievous!

I should also mention that this episode started with an episode of Fun with Flags, which is always a treat. Howard and Raj have joined the program as the in-house band, which is hilarious!

I guess that's it. This episode was just killing it on the individual joke level, and I think it's really awesome that Sheldon and Amy are going to be living together permanently. I guess I can overlook some annoying aspects to Penny and Leonard's plot.


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