May 10, 2016

Once Upon a Time: Last Rites (5x21)

Honestly I don't know how to react to this episode, because it satisfyingly wrapped up some plot threads, while leaving others oddly twisted. I'm really pissed about some things, and really happy about others. Let's just start talking about it, I guess.


So... Robin Hood is dead. That's the big thing to complain about. This is one of those situations where the execution of the plot twist was quite good, but the premise itself is weak. This season, more than any other on this show, has been the Emma and Hook show, and as a Captain Swan shipper I don't have a problem with making their relationship the focus for a while. That's fine. But Regina's story has been all about getting to a happy ending. This season, Robin has been totally pushed to the side, with pretty much nothing to do. And now, he's gone. I guess the idea is to bring Regina and Zelena closer together, and solidify their sisterly bond? And I guess that's... nice, or whatever. But there's this moment at Robin's funeral where Zelena talks about how they should name the baby "Robin" after her father. That sounds sweet, but the minute Zelena said it, I remembered that Zelena was essentially Robin's rapist. She impersonated his wife and tricked him into impregnating her, which is just all sorts of disgusting. I feel weird about Zelena honoring Robin now, when he was her victim. I'll talk about this plot more in a second, because the way that Robin died actually worked quite well to the story's advantage.

Meanwhile, also in Storybrooke, we had an odd subplot where Rumple goes to Belle's father, and he refuses to wake Belle up from her sleeping curse. Why? Well, apparently he wants to wait until Rumple is out of the picture, so Belle won't be seduced by his evil ways any longer. Okay... hold up. That is some messed up crap. You're telling me that Belle's father would rather she stay in eternal slumber than be awake to make her own decisions? I don't think Belle would take kindly to that. Also, this episode ends with Rumple evilly fetching a bit of one of Zeus' lightning bolt things from the ashes of the former god Hades. It looks like we're ramping him back up for some more villainous behavior, and I'm so sick of seeing Rumple go through this cycle.

Down in the Underworld, we had a great resolution to a crappy plot line, so it's difficult to decide where to put it. Basically, Arthur is killed by Hades, and ends up in the Underworld, where he pairs up with Hook to find the missing pages in the Storybook about Hades. Hook then uses the Underworld's version of the Book to send the pages up to Emma, who learns about the lightning bolt thing that can kill Hades, and thus put an end to his reign of terror. My issue with all of this is that Arthur's plot line seems to be wrapped up now, but there is still so much left hanging. Basically, he was a crappy king, then he died, then he admitted he was a crappy king, so now he's fit to hang around in the Underworld and try and restore order? Does nobody remember that he was a bad guy like two seconds ago? There was no redemption arc for him. And what about Guinevere, Lancelot, and the other Camelot people who are ostensibly still hanging out in Storybrooke? I still feel like this plot line from the first half of the season is suffering from some serious logic gaps, and I'm annoyed that this is our only attempt at fixing that.


That being said, the Arthur and Hook plot line, paralleled with Emma's own determination to defeat Hades, worked very well in many ways. Emma can't begin to grieve for Hook when she knows he's still trapped in the Underworld, and Hook can't move on from the Underworld as long as he knows that Emma is still in danger. Hook finds the pages with Arthur's help, and Emma is able to use her knowledge to tell Zelena how to kill Hades. (More on that in a moment). The fact that these two, separated by death, are still working as a team, really warms my heart. Also, I will admit that Arthur ruling the Underworld is a fantastic resolution to a fairly unbalanced plot line, even if it didn't feel fully earned. The idea is that the prophecy said he was to repair a broken kingdom. Arthur always assumed that meant Camelot, but now he realizes that it meant the Underworld. Cool idea!

So... Robin dying was stupid, but the buildup and the execution of the death was actually really intense. Basically, Robin and Regina sneak in to the Mayor's office to try and steal Robin's daughter back from Hades and Zelena. Zelena refuses to believe that Hades is actually a bad guy, firmly sticking to the hope of her happy ending. Zelena sees Emma trying to break in to the building using magic, and Emma tells Zelena that Hades tried to trap them all in the Underworld. This, paired with the sight of Robin's body when Zelena comes back inside, convinces Zelena once and for all that Hades is no good. Hades gives her the lightning bolt thing and tells her to kill Regina so that they can finally be free. Zelena turns on Hades instead, stabbing him and killing him. The two sisters hold each other and weep over the deaths of their True Loves.

There's so much to unpack here with Zelena and Hades' story. I feel like in some ways their plot has been a microcosm of Belle and Rumple. Zelena and Hades really were True Love, as proved by their kiss in last week's episode. But Zelena deserved a second chance, and had an opportunity to redeem herself. Hades was beyond that. Zelena kept talking about getting away and living in peace, or about trying to reason with Regina and the others and explain that Hades is a changed man. On the flip side of that, Hades kept talking about eradicating the threat once and for all and ruling Storybrooke. They really did love each other, but it wasn't enough. I wonder if we're going to see something similar play out between Belle and Rumple by the end of the show.

Zelena and Regina's sisterly bond has been one of the unexpected treats of these last few weeks, and I think it works really well. Despite my slight discomfort at the thought of Zelena honoring Robin, who she once deceived in a really disgusting way, I do love the idea of Robin's daughter being named for him. Zelena and Regina can raise the child together. What is it with Regina and being a co-mother with the biological mother of a kid? First with Henry, and now with baby Robin. In any case, I hope that the show circumvents expectations and has Zelena and Regina's relationship sustain Regina through the grief of losing Robin. I really don't want another Evil Queen resurgence. I'm done with that.

With Hades defeated and Robin sadly dead, Emma finally feels like she can say goodbye to Hook. There's this really heartbreaking scene where Emma talks to his grave. She hopes that he's moved on to a better place, but at the same time she feels like that means he's truly gone, and all she can do now is miss him. Emma is the type of person who always likes to have a plan, but there's no plan for her now. She spent most of the episode trying to keep her emotions in check and focus on the larger goal of killing Hades, but now that that's been done for her, there's nothing left for her to hide behind. I think this scene was important because Emma needed to officially put Hook behind her, and give him up. It was the heroic thing to do. Without this scene, I don't think the reunion would have packed the same punch.

And let's talk about that reunion, shall we? So, Hook "moves on" in the Underworld and meets Zeus. Zeus says it's time to put Hook back where he belongs. Turns out, he belongs back in Storybrooke as a reward for helping defeat Hades. He appears in the graveyard after Robin's funeral, and Emma runs into his arms. They joyfully kiss and embrace.

I've seen some people on Tumblr who were disturbed at this joyous reunion taking place at Robin's gravesite, but I don't really see the big issue. Now, if the funeral had still been going on, and Emma had interrupted it to run happily into Hook's arms, and if the two of them had proceeded to make out in front of the grieving Regina... that would be different. But come on. Everybody was gone. Emma was alone in the graveyard, where she had just had to say goodbye to Hook and Robin both. And beyond that, Emma and Hook's happy giggly reunion lasts for all of thirty seconds before Emma breaks the bad news about Robin to Hook, and they both turn and look mournfully at Robin's final resting place. I don't see that as disrespectful.

In fact, it's time for a mini-rant. I see a lot of people in this fandom accusing the writers of being "disrespectful" to certain factions of the fans. People who aren't a fan of Emma/Hook will say that the ship is being "shoved in their faces" and that it's obviously disrespectful to the Emma/Regina shippers out there for the relationship to be portrayed. I'm sorry, but no. You can dislike a ship all you want, but you can't expect the writers of a television show that caters to a large casual audience as well as a small group of super fans to bow down to everybody's different opinions. Now, I will agree wholeheartedly that Robin's character has been given a raw deal this season. In fact, I mentioned that very thing earlier in this review. I will also agree that Regina having her happy ending taken from her is sort of a sloppy and unfounded move by the writers. But Emma getting her happy ending isn't a slap in the face to Regina fans. That's ridiculous. Emma is the protagonist. Even if you don't like Hook, shouldn't you be happy for Emma? And if you don't like Emma, I find it difficult to understand why you're still watching this show. Is she not the protagonist? You can't watch a show with a protagonist you dislike, and then get annoyed when that protagonist is the focus of the story.

Sorry. Rant over. This is obviously directed at a very, very small portion of fans that I've seen saying these things on Tumblr. Honestly, a lot of people don't like the Emma/Hook relationship, and that's fine. But it's not "disrespectful" for the writers to choose to focus on that relationship, no matter what your personal opinion is.

Back to squealing at the reunion, though - it was really lovely to see Emma so giddy and simply happy. The cheek kisses were too precious for words, and I loved how Hook tried to explain why he was back, and Emma just interrupts him with another kiss. She doesn't care why he's back. She just cares that he's there. That he's alive. It was a powerful moment and a good resolution to their arc. Emma had to learn to say goodbye and let go before she could earn the happy ending that she's worked so hard for. It was a good lesson for her to learn - letting go isn't the same as letting people down.

As is Once Upon a Time tradition, the two-hour finale next week will likely be a jumping-off point for whatever we're getting up to next season. Will we have to endure more Evil Queen Regina? Will Rumple make yet another bid for power? Or will we get something new and creative to propel us forward into Season Six? Obviously you know what I'm rooting for.


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