February 06, 2016

The Big Bang Theory: The Meemaw Materialization (9x14)

Totally shrug-worthy in most respects, as are the majority of episodes with this show. But it got a few chuckles out of me, all the same. Let's dive in.


Raj and Howard's subplot had some good parts, but also some annoying parts. Essentially, they meet a girl in the comic book shop, and she and Raj seem to hit it off. She asks for Raj's help with a children's screenplay she's working on, because his expertise as a scientist will help. Later, Howard and Bernadette chastise him for flirting with this girl. Raj calls her and tells her that he has a girlfriend, but the girl says it's okay - they can still get together and talk about her screenplay without it meaning anything. Later, when they're working together, Raj fantasizes about marrying her and having a kid. Raj's incompetence with women is supposed to be endearing or entertaining or something, but to me it's just creepy. It seems to prove that he only sees women in terms of a relationship he can have with them, and not as individual people.


But in this subplot, there was also a really funny opening moment. Raj and Howard first meet this woman, Claire, because she overhears them arguing about Frozen. Raj defends it, while Howard says it's overrated. Raj then jumps in and says that The Good Dinosaur was an amazing movie and it changed his life, while Howard and Claire roll their eyes. The conversation about Frozen was slightly annoying, because people only think it's overrated because they're sick of hearing about it. It's obviously a great movie. The Good Dinosaur, on the other hand, is a total flop, and this was a funny way of referencing Pixar's recent failure.

The main plot was more successful than the subplot by far. Essentially, it all centers around Sheldon's Meemaw coming to visit. She and Amy immediately dislike each other, as Meemaw is suspicious of Amy's motives, and doesn't want her around to hurt Sheldon. Leonard and Penny convince Sheldon that he has to defend Amy, which Sheldon does, though reluctantly. I loved the simplicity of this setup - the two women in Sheldon's life who he seems to care for the most, and suddenly he has to choose between them? That's not something poor Sheldon is equipped to handle. Eventually, Sheldon and Amy convince Meemaw that they are good for each other, and Meemaw backs off. I think my favorite joke was when Amy finds out about the ring, and how Sheldon was thinking about proposing. When she hopefully implies that he could propose now if he wanted, Sheldon tells her to "cool her jets," since he just gave her his virginity.

This is a painfully short review, but that's really all I have to say. This episode got a few laughs out of me, but for the most part it was nothing special. Are you really surprised?


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