July 12, 2015

Suits: No Refills (5x03)

This was not an episode built around Mike/Harvey bromance, but the moments that we got were extremely adorable. so I'm pretty happy. On top of that, there were a lot of other really strong relationships being showcased. Let's take a look.

Jessica tells Harvey to make things right with Jack. When Harvey tries to clear the air between them, Jack shoots him down, and Harvey decides to beat him back. With the aid of Gretchen, his new secretary, he finds a way to steal one of Jack's clients. Louis tells Jack he doesn't want to be part of the feud with Harvey anymore, but Jack blackmails him, saying he'll tell everybody about Louis leaving Harvey's salary out. Donna is furious at Louis for continuing to put her in situations where she has to hurt Harvey, but when Louis tells her that Harvey threatened to take her back, Donna's anger turns to Harvey instead. She tells him that even if she did leave Louis, she wouldn't come back to him. After a conversation with Jessica about his abandonment issues, Harvey has another panic attack. Mike witnesses it, when suddenly Jack comes into the room to continue his fight with Harvey. Harvey says he's in the process of stealing Jack's other clients. He asks Mike to help him find a way to make that happen.

Mike has been working on the case with Robert Zane. Rachel warns Mike that Robert might not treat him fairly, and it turns out she was right. Jessica had asked Robert to treat Mike as his full and equal partner, because Mike was the one representing her firm. However, Robert treats Mike as nothing more than an associate. Mike has to ditch Harvey to work on the case, but after witnessing Harvey's panic attack, he agrees to help him with his problem with Jack. He still manages to succeed in his case with Zane, however, prompting Zane to acknowledge him as a partner.

Meanwhile, Jessica asks Rachel to go over a speech that's being given at a ceremony. Rachel makes severe changes instead of just going over it briefly,  but Jessica approves. She then reveals that it's her speech, and that she's making it in honor of one of Rachel's heroes. Jessica invites Rachel to come with her to the ceremony. She has taken a special interest in Rachel's progress in her career.

Harvey goes back to Dr. Agard. He finally opens up about some of the pain he's been going through, as he feels like Donna betrayed him - not by leaving, but by leaving and going to Louis, which was just twisting the knife.

The episode ends with Mike and Harvey celebrating their successes. Mike and Robert Zane have made progress in their case, and Mike has also gotten Jack to back off of Harvey by threatening to take his other clients. As the two prepare to go out for something to eat, Harvey stops to warn Louis to back off and never side with Jack against him again.

So... complaints. This Jack character is really ill-defined right now. He's basically just generic-villain-man. I want to know more of where he's coming from, and why he's suddenly decided to take Harvey on as his enemy. Is it just about the money for Jack, or is there something else that's making him tick?

Then there's Rachel. I think it's awesome to see Jessica and Rachel get a subplot, and I'll talk more about that in a second. But at the same time, shouldn't Rachel be helping out Harvey if Mike is unable to? This show keeps forgetting that Rachel is supposed to be Harvey's associate.

But enough with the negativity. Mostly, I think this episode was an outstanding example of what Suits is capable of.

First, let's talk about Harvey's abandonment issues and panic attacks. My Harvey/Mike obsession got some excellent fuel from the fact that Harvey is afraid Mike's going to leave him again. In all fairness, it's happened before. And now, Donna has left him, and Mike is off working with somebody else. I was glad that Jessica called Harvey out on his issues. I think it's so important that we see Harvey's whole thing about loyalty and friendships exposed for what it really is - fear. It's such an interesting move for this show to make, after four seasons. Finally, we're seeing the cracks in the unflappable image. I'm glad that he went and saw Dr. Agard again. It's so wonderful for us to see somebody who is going through that kind of pain find a way to get help.

Gretchen, the new secretary, is awesome. I love her and I really want her to stick around. She remains loyal to Harvey and finds ways to help him out, much like Mike or Donna would do. Then, she finds a way to let him know that she knows about his panic attacks, and reassure him that he'll get better. She tells a story about how she used to have panic attacks after her husband died, and how she doesn't have them anymore. That's amazing.

I also loved all the scenes with Robert and Mike. There's a real power dynamic going on here, and Mike is having to contend with somebody treating him like a lowly associate for the first time in a long while. Working with Harvey has given him the sort of equality that's not typical for somebody of his experience. He even says as much to Zane, at the end of the episode. He was late to a hearing for his case with Zane because he was helping Harvey, and he says he was doing the work for the only person who has the right to treat him like an associate, but who treats him like a partner anyway. That was another really sweet Mike/Harvey thing, but it also highlights Mike's strengths. He doesn't get angry at Zane for his behavior. He simply steps up his game and earns his respect.

And speaking of Mike's strengths, we actually get to see him use his incredible memory to sway the judge. It was nice to see that come into play. Mike needs to use his fancy brain more often.

Then there's Jessica and Rachel's stuff. Oh my God. A plot thread centered around the mentor/mentee relationship between two strong black women? This is gold! I adore the thought of a stronger relationship growing between these two. We had a hint of it in last week's episode, and even more of it here. I want more!

Louis was barely in this episode, but I liked the fact that he knows he screwed up. Even his victory in winning Donna over to his side is tainted by Louis' shame over his behavior with Jack. I hope we can see more sincere efforts to make things right.

Finally, let's talk about all the Harvey/Mike stuff. I've already mentioned the fact that Harvey has a fear of abandonment, and how one of his fears is losing Mike. Then there's what Mike said to Robert, about how Harvey has the right to treat him like an associate, but treats him like a partner anyway. So cute! And then there's Mike witnessing Harvey's panic attack, and starting to call 911, and Harvey stopping him, and just telling him, honestly, what's going on: "it's a panic attack." Mike is allowed to offer Harvey comfort, bringing him water and even brushing a hand across his shoulder. I adore that. The scene at the end sees Mike asking Harvey again if he's okay, and the two of them heading out to go grab dinner. I love the simplicity of these two friends getting together to grab a bite after work, and of course their playful banter was back in full force, including saying things at the same time, and Mike making quips about Harvey feeling jealous of Mike's relationship with Robert. I cannot get enough of that kind of thing!

I think that's all I've got for this episode. Very strong. This show has earned my trust and my loyalty, that's for sure.


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